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Rady Allāhu ‘Anhā
Sallallāhu‘alayhi wa Sallam
Name | Meaning |
1. Sayyidah kulli nisā i’l Jannah | The leader of all the women in Paradise |
2. Fātima | Sayyidatinā Fātima, Rady Allāhu ‘Anhā |
3. Az-Zahrā’ | The Brilliantly Shiny |
4. Batūl | Ascetic Virgin |
5. Sayyidah | Leader |
6. Mastūrah | Chaste, Veiled |
7. Ma’sūmah | Sinless |
8. Marhūmah | Enveloped in Allāh’s Mercy |
9. Rāki’ah | One who bows to Allāh in worship |
10. Sājidah | One who prostrates to Allāh in worship |
11. Sāimah | One who fasts |
12. Sāniyah | Chaste, Virtuous |
13. Dāmiyah | Beautiful |
14. Mukhaddarah | One who chooses seclusion |
15. Zāhidah | Pious Abstainer |
16. ‘Ābidah | Worshipper of Allāh |
17. Waliyyah | Saint |
18. Wafiyya | Faithful |
19. Baqiyyah | The only remaining child of Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him |
20. Adfiyya | Warm-hearted |
21. Taqiyya | Devout, God-fearing |
22. Zākiyya | Pure |
23. Rādiyyah | Well Pleased with Allāh as her Lord |
24. Mardiyyah | Pleasing to Allāh as His worshipper |
25. Hulliyyah | Adorned, Beautified |
26. ‘Aliyya | Most High |
27. Safiyyah | The Chosen |
28. Salīmah | Safe, Sound |
29. Halīma | Gentle, Forbearing |
30. Raqiyyah | One who has ascended the heights |
31. Hakīma | So Wise! |
32. Hasībah | Of noble birth |
33. Nasībah | Of noble lineage |
34. Jamīlah | Beautiful |
35. Jalīlah | Sublime, Majestic |
36. Habībah | Beloved by all |
37. Hasaniyyah | Naturally Good |
38. Mushfiqah | Compassionate, Kindly |
39. Sālihah | Most Pious, Righteous |
40. Salīhah | Naturally Pious |
41. Sabīhah | Pretty, Graceful |
42. Musabbihah | One who glorifies Allāh |
43. Majdidah | One who glorifies Allāh |
44. Muhammadah | One who is praised |
45. Muhassilah | The Obtainer of the best results |
46. Mukabbirah | One who proclaims Allāh’s Greatness |
47. Qāriyah | Reciter of the Holy Qur’ān |
48. Mumajjidah | Glorifier of Allāh |
49. Jāriya | Servant of Allāh |
50. Fadīlah | Personification of Virtue |
51. Wasīlah | A means to approach Allāh |
52. Nasībah | So Fortunate! |
53. Najībah | Noble, Distinguished, Outstanding |
54. Sharīfah | Noble |
55. Karīmah | Generous |
56. Mukarramah | Honoured |
57. ‘Ālimah | Most Truly Learned |
58. Fātiha | The Opener (of doors of goodness) |
59. Muhtaramah | Revered, Esteemed, Respected |
60. Mu’ammah | Universally Popular |
61. Mu’allamah | Taught by the Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad,may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him |
62. Dā’iyah | Inviter to Islām |
63. Shāfi’ah | Intercessor before Allāh |
64. Shafī’ah | Accepted Intercessor before Allāh |
65. Ummiyyah | Exemplary Mother |
66. Tahiyyah | Greeting with good cheer |
67. Nāsihah | True Advisor |
68. Rājihah | Most Favourable |
69. Wahiyya | Inspiration |
70. Shahiyyah | Pleasant |
71. Jāhida | Exerts in the way of Allāh |
72. Mujtahidah | Strives in the way of Allāh |
73. Rāqiyah | Of the Highest Rank and Grade |
74. Nāsiyah | The cornerstone of the Muslim Nation |
75. Awsiyah | Best Advisor |
76. Khāwirah | Affectionate, Kindly |
77, Khādira | Makes things ever so green |
78. Wāqiyah | Protection |
79. Dāfiyah | Mingles with the poor and the oppressed |
80. Sāhibah | Companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him |
81. Hāwirah | Highly intelligent, promotes dialogue |
82. Wājidah | Finder, one who found her father persecuted and helped him |
83. ‘Āqibah | Successor who continues with the good work of her father |
84. Sāmiyah | Truthfully brave |
85. Nūr | Light |
86. Bint Nūr | The daughter of one who is Light, that is the Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him |
87. Bid’atu Rasūlinā Muhammad al-Mustafā Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam | An integral part of our Chosen Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him |
Source: These blessed attributive names of Khayr u’n Nisā’ Sayyidatinā Fātima Az-Zahrā’, Rady Allāhu ‘Anhā have been presented as a mosaic together with a salāt and salām (invocation of blessing and peace) on Sayyidinā wa Nabiyyinā wa Habībinā Muhammad al-Mustafā Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, by Khwāja Shaykh ‘Abdur Rahmān Chohravi, in Majmū’ah Salawāt u’r Rasūl (A Compendium of Blessings on Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), published by Anjuman-e-Rahmāniyya, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 1982, Juz 30, p. 12.
Appreciation: Muslims love Sayyidatinā Fātima az-Zahrā’, Rady Allāhu ‘Anhā so much that many other attributive names of hers can be found in various other kutub (books) and in qasāid (religious poems).
Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Shaykh ‘Umar ‘Īsā and Shaykh Mahdi ‘Alī for help with the translation of some difficult words.
Du’ā: O Allah! Fill our hearts with the love of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, and with the love of his Family and his Companions, Rady Allāhu ‘Anhum.
As-Salātu wa’s-Salām
As-Salātu wa’s-Salāmu ‘alayka Yā RasūlAllāh
As-Salātu wa’s-Salāmu ‘alayka Yā HabībAllāh
As-Salātu wa’s-Salāmu ‘alayka Yā Nūran
min Nūrillāh
1. The Beautiful Life of Fātima az-Zahrā’, Rady
Allāhu ‘Anhā
by: Mustafā Alatas, Jakarta, 1997.
Az-Zahra Page
2. The Family of Prophet Muhammad under his mantle
3. The Family of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi
wa Sallam
by: Syed Yāsîn ‘Alī
5. Key to the Arabic Transliteration
Siddīq Osmān Noormuhammad
Ramadān 1423/November 2002
Toronto, Canada