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Key to the use of brackets:
( ) These brackets contain verse numbers of verses that directly mention these Sifāt (Attributes) of Allāh
[ ] These brackets contain verse numbers of verses that indirectly refer to these Sifāt (Attibutes) of Allāh in verbial or other forms.
Please recite Jalla Jalâlahu (Glorified be His Majesty) after each Name of Allâh,
1. HUWA | He | (2:255)
(3:18) (6:59) (9:129) (35:15) (39:53) (40:68) (41:36) (42:19) (45:37) (57:1-6) (59: 22-24) |
2. AR-RABB | The Lord | (2:285-286)
(10:61) (11:41) (15:98-99) (18:109-110) (19:47) (21:92) (23:97-98) (26:191) (41:30) (44:6-8) (55:77-78) (113:1) (114:1) |
3. AL-MÂLIK | The Master, The Owner | (3:26) |
4. AL-MUHÎT | The
All-Encircling, The All-Encompassing |
(3:120) (41:54) (85:20) |
5. AL-QADÎR | The Powerful, The Able | (2:148)
(2:284) (24:45) (29:20) (30:54) (41:39) (46:33) (64:1) (65:12) (67:1) |
6. AL-'ÂLIM | The Knower | (6:73)
(9:105) (13:9) (23:92) (32:6) (62:8) (64:18) |
7. AN-NASÎR | The Helper | (4:45) |
8. AL-ILÂH | The Only One Worthy to be worshipped | (2:133)
(6:19) (14:52) (16:22) (20:98) (21:108) (22:34) (29:46) (41:6) (43:84) (114:3) |
9. ASH-SHÂKIR | The Grateful, The Appreciative | (2:158) (4:147) |
10. ASH-SHADÎD | The Severe | (3:11) (5:98) (8:48) |
11. AL-QARÎB | The Near | (2:186) (11:61) [50:16] |
12. AS-SARÎ' | The Swift | (3:19)
(5:4) (6:165) (24:39) (40:17) |
13. AL-MAWLÂ | The Protector | (9:51) (47:11) (66:2) |
14. AL-'ALLÂM | The Knower | (5:109)
(5:116) (9:78) (34:48) |
15. AL-FÂTIR | The Originator | (6:14)
(12:101) (35:1) (39:46) (42:11) |
16. AL-QÂHIR | The Dominant, The Supreme | (6:18) (6:61) |
17. AL-HÂFIZ | The Guardian | (12:64) [15:9] |
18. AL-KHALLÂQ | The Master-Creator | (15:86) (36:81) |
19. AL-KÂFI | The All-Sufficient | (39:36) |
20. AL-GHÂFIR | The Forgiver | (40:3) |
21. AR-RAFÎ' | The Most Exalted | (40:15) |
22. AL-MALÎK | The Sovereign, The King | (54:55) |
23. AL-WITR | The One | |
24. AL-AKRAM | The Most Generous | (96:3) |
25. AL-AHAD | The One | (112:1) |
26. AL-FARD | The Unique, The Matchless | |
27. AL-BÂDI' | The Originator | [7:29]
[21:104] [30:27] [32:7] |
28. AL-QADÎM | The Ancient (Pre-Existent) without a beginning | |
29. AD-DÂIM | The Eternal without an end | |
30. AL-QÂIM | The One Who Watches over | (13:33) |
31. AL-ABAD | Forever | |
32. AL-A'AZZ | The Most Powerful | |
33. AL-A'LÂ | The Most High | (87:1) (92:20) |
34. AL-HANNÂN | The Compassionate, The Kindly | |
35. AL-MANNÂN | The One Who Bestows favours | [3:164] [14:11] |
36. AD-DAYYÂN | The Judge | |
37. AL-MUSTA'ÂN | The One Whose Help is sought | (12:18) (21:112) |
38. AL-BURHÂN | The Proof | |
39. AL-BÂHIR | The Overwhelming | |
40. AL-GHÂLIB | The Dominant | (12:21) |
41. AS-SAYYID | The Master, The Overlord | |
42. AL-'ÂDIL | The Just, The Equitable | [6:115] |
43. AR-RÂSHID | The Guide | |
44. AL-JAMÎL | The Beautiful, The Graceful | |
45. AL-KAFÎL | The Surety | (16:91) |
46. AL-MUBÎN | The Manifest, The Evident | (24:25) |
47. AL-MUNÎB | The One Oft-turning to mercy | |
48. AL-MUTHÎB | The One Who rewards | [3:148] [3:195] [18:44] |
49. AL-MUNÎR | The Illuminating | |
50. AL-SÂMI' | The All-Hearing | |
51. AD-DÂFI' | The One Who averts, repels | [2:251] [22:40] |
52. AS-SÂDIQ | The Truthful | [4:87] [4:122] |
53. AL-FÂTIH | The Decider, The Opener, The Conqueror | [7:89] |
54. AL-QÂSIM | The One Who apportions, distributes | [43:32] |
55. AL-JAWÂD | The Generous | |
56. AL-MUTAFADDIL | The One Who Bestows grace, bounties | [3:170]
[9:59] [17:87] [24:38] [49:8] |
57. AL-MUHSIN | The Beneficent | |
58. AL-MU'TÎ | The Giver | [20:50] [93:5] [108:1] |
59. AL-MUGHÎTH | The
Succour, The Helper, The Rescuer |
[8:9] [46:17] |
60. AL-MUN'IM | The
Benefactor, The Bestower of favours |
[12:6] [16:18] [27:19] [39:49] [46:15] |
61. AL-WAFIYY | True
to His Word, The One Who Fulfils |
[9:111] [11:111] [35:30] |
62. AL-WÂFÎ | True to His Word | [9:111] |
63. AT-TÂMM | The Perfect | |
64. AL-MUDABBIR | The One Who Directs, Manages | [10:3] [13:2] [32:5] |
65. AL-ABARR | The Most Benign | |
66. AL-BÂRR | The
Benign, The Source of All Goodness |
67. DHU'L FADL | Possessor of the Bounty, Grace | (3:74)
(3:174) (8:29) (40:61) (57:21) (62:4) |
68. DHU'T TAWL | The Bountiful | (40:3) |
69. DHU'L MA'ÂRIJ | The Master of the Ascending Heights | (70:3) |
70. DHU'L 'ARSH | The Owner of The Throne | (17:42) (81:20) (85:15) |
71. DHU'L QUWWAH | The Possessor of Power | (51:58) |
72. DHU'R RAHMAH | Full of Mercy | (6:133) (18:58) |
73. DHU'L MAGHFIRAH | Full of Forgiveness | (13:6) (41:43) |
74. AHLU'T TAQWÂ | One Worthy to be feared | (74:56) |
75. AHLU'L MAGHFIRAH | One Worthy to forgive | (74:56) |
76. QÂBILU'T TAWB | The Acceptor of repentance | (40:3) |
77. FÂLIQU'L ISBÂH | The Cleaver of the day-break | (6:96 ) |
78. FÂLIQU'L HABBI WA'N NAWÂ | The Splitter of the seed-grain and the date-stone | (6:95) |
79. RABB U'L 'IZZAH | The
Lord of Dignity, The Lord of Honour |
(37:180) |
80. RABB U'L MASHRIQAYN | The Lord of the two easts | (55:17) |
81. RABB U'L MAGHRIBAYN | The Lord of the two wests | (55:17) |
82. RABB U'L 'ÂLAMÎN | The Lord of the worlds | (1:2)
(6:162) (7:54) (10:10) (26:109) (26:192) (39:75) (40:64-66) (43:46) (45:36) (59:16) (83:6) |
83. MÂLIKI YAUM I'D DÎN | Master of the Day of Judgement | (1:4) |
84. ARHAM U'R RÂHIMÎN | The Most Merciful of the merciful | (7:151) (12:92) (21:83) |
85. AHKAM U'L HÂKIMÎN | The Greatest of rulers, The Most Just of judges | (11:45) (95:8) |
86. AHSAN U'L KHÂLIQÎN | The Best Creator | (23:14) (37:125-126) |
87. ASRA 'U'L HÂSIBÎN | The Swiftest in taking account | (6:62) |
88. KHAYR U'L HÂKIMÎN | The Best of judges | (7:87) (10:109) (12:80) |
89. KHAYR U'R RÂHIMÎN | The Best to show mercy | (23:109) (23:118) |
90. KHAYR U'R RÂZIQÎN | The Best to provide | (5:114)
(22:58) (23:72) (34:39) (62:11) |
91. KHAYR U'L GHÂFIRÎN | The Best of forgivers | (7:155) |
92. KHAYR U'L FÂTIHÎN | The Best to decide | (7:89) |
93. KHAYR U'L FÂSILÎN | The Best of judges | (6:57) |
94. KHAYR U'N NÂSIRÎN | The Best to help | (3:150) |
95. KHAYR U'L WÂRITHÎN | The Best (Final) Inheritor (of everything) | (21:89) |
96. KHAYR U'L MUNZILÎN | The Best to enable to land (disembark) | (23:29) |
97. AL FA"ÂLUN LIMÂ YURÎD | The Doer of whatever He Desires | (11:107) (85:16) |
98. NI'MA'L MAWLÂ | The Most Excellent Protector | (8:40) (22:78) |
99. NI'MA'N NASÎR | The Most Excellent Helper | (8:40) (22:78) |
Source: These Sifāt (Attributes) of Allāh have been printed as an attachment to Râtib u'l Haddâd, published by Sulayman Mar'ee of Singapore in 1355 A.H/1936 C.E, p. 14-15.
Note: These Sifāt (Attributes) of Allāh are in addition to the most well-known Asmâ' u'l Husnâ that are printed on the inside covers of the Holy Qur'ân. The relevant verse numbers of the Holy Qur'ân for those have been compiled in a separate table.
Approved by: Ustâdh Muhammad Sharif Said Al-Beid (Mambrui, Kenya)
Compiled by: Siddîq Osmân Noormuhammad
Rabi' u'l Awwal 1421 / June 2000; Toronto, Canada.
1. Translation
by Professor Shah Farîdul Haque, Dâr u'l 'Ulûm Amjadia,
Karachi, 1988.
Other References
2. Muhammad
Fu'ad 'Abdul Bâqi, Almu'jam al-mufahras li alfâz
al-Qur'ân al-Karîm (The Concordance of the Noble Qur'ân),
Dâr al-Ihyâ' al-Tirâth al-'Arabiy, Beirût, Lebanon,