Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Iqra Islamic Publications
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Salawaat by Sufi Mashaaikh
An Appreciation by Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad

Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam

The two chapters on the invocations (dua) of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam has 64 salawaat each dealing with a specific dua of the beloved Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam all of which were answered. For example, he prayed that either 'Umar ibn al-Khattab or Abu Jahl bin Hisham accept Islam. His prayer was answered and Sayyidina 'Umar Rady Allahu 'Anhu accepted Islam. We learn of this in the following Hadith Shareef:

Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas Rady Allahu Anhu reported the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam as saying, "O Allah, strengthen Islam with Abu Jahl bin Hisham, or with Umar bin al-Khattab". In the morning, Sayyidina 'Umar Rady Allahu Anhu went to the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam and accepted Islam; then prayed openly in the mosque. (Ahmad and Tirmidhi)

The salaat in Tanbeehi'l Anaam is as follows:

Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad
Wa 'alaa aali Sayyidina Muhammad
Alladhee da'a an yu'azza'l Islamu bi ahadi'l 'Umarain
Fa kaana 'Umar ibn al-Khattab fi'l heen

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on our patron
Sayyidina Muhammad and on the family of Sayyidina Muhammad
who prayed that Islam be strengthened with one of the two 'Umars
and Lo! 'Umar ibn al-Khattab accepted Islam soon after.

He also prayed for Hadhrat 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas Rady Allahu 'Anhu that Allah may give him the knowledge of the Qur'an and Allah gave him so much knowledge he came to get the title Tarjumaana'l Qur'an (One who explains the Qur'an). We learn of this dua in al-Bukhari Shareef:

Narrated Hadhrat Ibn Abbas Rady Allahu Anhu: Once the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam embraced me and said, "O Allah! Bestow on him the knowledge of the Book (Qur'an)". (al-Bukhari).

The salaat in Tanbeehi'l Anaam is as follows:

Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad
Wa 'alaa aali Sayyidina Muhammad
Alladhee da'a li-Ibni Abbas bittafaqquhi fiddeeni i'laan.
Fa kaana yud'aa bi-Tarjumaani'l Qur'an.

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on our patron
Sayyidina Muhammad and on the family of Sayyidina Muhammad
who prayed for Hadhrat 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas
that he may get the knowledge of the Deen of Islam.
And Lo! he came to be called the Interpretor of the Qur'an.

The blessed Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam also prayed for Hadhrat Abu Hurairah, for Hadhrat Abu Hurairah's mother and for Hadhrat Anas, may Allah be pleased with them. The relevant Ahaadith Shareef and salawaat are as follows:

Prayer For Hadhrat Abu Hurairah
Narrated Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Rady Allahu Anhu: I said to Allah's Apostle Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, "I hear many narrations (ahaadith) from you but I forget them". Allah's Apostle Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam said, "Spread your Rida (garment)." I did accordingly and then he moved his hands as if filling them with something (and emptied them in my Rida) and then said, "Take and wrap this sheet over your body". I did it and after that I never forgot anything. (al-Bukhari)

Salaat Concerning This
Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad
Wa 'alaa aali Sayyidina Muhammad
Alladhee da'a li Abi Huraira-ta heena wa'zah
Famaa nasiya shay'an minhu ba'da zaalika hafizah

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on our patron
Sayyidina Muhammad and on the family of Sayyidina Muhammad
who prayed for Abu Hurairah when advising him
after which he never forgot anything he had memorised.

Prayer For Hadrat Abu Hurairah's Mother
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Rady Allahu Anhu said: I used to invite my mother who was a polytheist to accept Islam, and one day when I had invited her and she caused me to hear something about Allah's Messenger Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam which I do not care to repeat, I went to him weeping and said, "Messenger of Allah, supplicate Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala to guide Abu Hurairah's mother." He said, "O Allah, guide Abu Hurairah's mother". So I came out cheered by the Prophet's supplication. When I came to the door I found it shut, and when she heard the sound of my feet, she said, "Stay where you are, Abu Hurairah". I heard the splashing of water, and when she had bathed and put on her chemise, but was in too big a hurry to put on her head-covering, and opened the door and said, "I testify, Abu Hurairah, that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger". I then returned to Allah's Messenger Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam weeping for joy, and he praised Allah (Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala) and said some good words. (Muslim)

Salaat Concerning This
Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad
Wa 'alaa aali Sayyidina Muhammad
Alladhee da'a an yuhabbibAllahu
Aba Huraira-ta wa ummahu li'l mu'mineen
Fakaanaa fi'l anaami mahboobain

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on our patron
Sayyidina Muhammad and on the family of Sayyidina Muhammad
who prayed that may Allah be pleased to turn
Abu Hurairah and his mother into believers
and Lo! the two of them became the beloved among people.

Prayer For Hadhrat Anas
Umm Sulaim Rady Allahu Anha narrates that she requested (the beloved Prophet), "Messenger of Allah! Anas is your servant. Make supplication to Allah for him." He said, "O Allah, multiply his property and his children, and bless him in what You give him". Hadhrat Anas Rady Allahu Anhu said, "I swear by Allah that my property is abundant and that my chidren and grandchildren exceed the neighbourhood of a hundred in number to-day". (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Salaat Concerning This
Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad
Wa 'alaa aali Sayyidina Muhammad
Alladhee da'a li Anas-in bi kathrati'l maali wa'l walad
Fadafana miatan wa 'ishreena li-sulbihi
Wa kaanat tarikatuhu laa tu'addu wa laa tuhad

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on our patron
Sayyidina Muhammad and on the family of Sayyidina Muhammad
who prayed for Hadhrat Anas that he may have lots of wealth and children
and Lo! he passed away having one hundred and twenty offspring
and left a legacy that could neither be counted nor had any limits.

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