Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
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Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

H is for Hajj and Hijāb

the beloved (pl: ahbāb, ahibbā’)

Habīb Allāh
the Beloved of Allāh, one of the titles of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam

al-Habīb al-A‘zam
the Most Beloved of Allāh, one of the titles of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam

Habībi Rabb i’l ‘ālamīn
the Beloved of the Lord of the worlds, one of the titles of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam

those who are beloved, refers to the mashāyikh (spiritual masters) among the ‘Alawī of Yemen who are descendants of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam

rope, bond

rope of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā (to hold fast onto)

learned man, master of religion (syn: hibr, pl: ahbār)

ritual impurity

Hadath u’l asghar
minor ritual impurity, as a result, for example, of using the washroom or passing wind, falling asleep or losing consciousness. To regain ritual purity, you need to do wudū’ (ablution). (Please note that matters of detail have been omitted)

Hadath u’l akbar
major ritual impurity. To regain ritual purity, ghusl or the washing of the whole body is required, for example, after sexual intercourse, or a seminal emission, at the end of menstruation, and when bleeding stops after childbirth

an animal (a sheep or goat) offered as a sacrifice by a Muslim in the Pilgrimage to Makka

garden (pl: hadāiq)


al-Hadīth u’l Qudsī
the Sacred Saying in which Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam conveys what Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā has said, but which is not part of the Qur’ān

a Saying of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam; narrations about what he said or did, what he approved and disapproved, as well as narrations about his physical attributes and character (pl: ahādīth)

al-Hadīth u’s Sahīh
a Saying of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam that has an absolutely sound text and a very sound chain of transmitters. Such a Hadīth (Saying) is considered most authenticated and so is universally accepted

al-Hadīth u’l Hasan
a good, sound, properly authenticated Saying of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam that is considered next in line of authenticity after al-Hadīth u’s Sahīh

al-Hadīth ud-Da‘īf
a Saying of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam quoted on less reliable authority. The Sunnīs are agreed that even a weak Hadīth should be quoted if it encourages and promotes good deeds

gift, present. It is a Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) to give gifts

presence. Also refers to a group of people engaged in dhikr (remembrance of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

a title of respect

grandson (pl: hafada)


one who protects, preserves, guards, learns by heart (pl: hāfizūn; f: hāfiza; f, pl: hāfizāt)

Hāfiz u’l-Qur’ān
one who has memorized the whole Qur’ān. Millions of Muslims have memorized the whole Qur’ān, Al-Hamdu Lillāh! (pl: huffāz; f: hāfiza)

Hāfiz u’l Hadīth
a learned scholar of Hadīth who has memorized at least a hundred thousand Sayings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, with their chains of transmission

general need (pl: hājāt)

stone (pl: hijāra)

Hajar al-aswad
the Black Stone implanted in one of the corners of the Ka‘ba. It is Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) to kiss this during Tawāf (circumambulation of the Ka‘ba) for Hajj (the greater Pilgrimage) or ‘Umra (the lesser Pilgrimage)

the annual Pilgrimage to Makka, including the stay at ‘Arafa on 9th Dhu’l Hijja. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islām and is obligatory on those who can afford it, once in a lifetime. But it is such a spiritually rich and captivating experience that those who have performed it once, want to perform it again and again and good luck to them. Every year, Hajj is performed by well over a million Muslims

the one who has performed Hajj (pl: hujjāj, f: hājja)

Hajj mabrūr
Pilgrimage to Makka that is accepted by Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā for being properly performed according to the traditions of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam. We greet someone returning from Hajj with the greeting of “Hajj mabrūr” which means “may Allāh accept your Hajj”, Āmīn!

Hajj al-Ifrād
In this type of Hajj, the intention is made to perform Hajj only, without the ‘'Umrah

Hajj at-Tamattu‘
performing ‘Umra before Hajj

In this type of Hajj, the intention is made to perform ‘Umrah. Once ‘Umrah is completed, the pilgrim comes out of the state of ihrām. Then, on the 8th of Dhu'l Hijja, the intention is made to perform Hajj in a new state of ihrām

Hajj al-Qirān
performing Hajj and ‘Umra simultaneously while maintaining the state of ihrām in-between

Hajj al-Wadā’
The Farewell Pilgrimage of the noble Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam

ruler, judge (pl: hukamā’, hākimīn)

a wise sage, for example, Luqmān Hakīm who has been mentioned in the Qur’ān (pl: hukamā’)

state of being. A temporary spiritual state (pl. hālāt, ahwāl)

destruction. The Qur’ān bears witness that Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā totally destroyed those tyrants who spread mischief on earth, like Fir‘awn, Qārūn and Nimrūd

that which Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā has made lawful and permissible

a gathering of learning or of dhikr (remembrance of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

confederate, ally (pl: hulafā)

gentle (f: Halīmah)

the shaving of the hair of the head by men during Hajj as part of the rites of Hajj. The women have only to clip a few hair

sweetmeats (served at gatherings of Dhikr and Mawlid u’n Nabī Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam)

the minister of the wicked Fir‘awn (Pharaoh) who has been mentioned in the Qur’ān

evil suggestions (of satan)

praise of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

“The Praise” of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā; refers to Sūrah al-Fātiha, the first chapter of the Holy Qur’ān

Al-Hamdu Lillāh
“all praise be to Allāh”, said in appreciation of all the bounties of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā; said especially after one has finished eating or drinking; also recited after sneezing

one who praises Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā (pl: hāmidūn, hāmidīn; f: Hāmidah)

a pregnant woman

a religious poem in which all the verses end, and rhyme in the letter hamza

one of the four schools of Muslim law, that of Imām Abū Hanīfa, Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh

one of the four schools of Muslim law, that of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh

pure of faith, upright,
a monotheist, true believer, a title by which pre-Islamic monotheists were known. They lived according to the teaching of previous Prophets ‘alayhimussalām (pl: hunafā’; f: Hanīfa)

the religion of Prophet Ibrāhīm, ‘alayhissalām; the primordial religion of tawhīd (monotheism) and sincerity to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

Haqāiq u’l Asmā’
the realities of the Most Beautiful Names of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

essential reality, true nature, the real meanings and values of things, witnessed only by the gnostics, can be attained by following the sharī‘a (Muslim law) to perfection (pl: haqāiq)

Haqīqat u’l Muhammadiyya
the essence and reality of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam

original, real, true, genuine

Haqīqī ma‘rifa
knowledge of spiritual realities

true, truth; the right or claim of someone (pl: huqūq)

Haqq u’l yaqīn
the truth of absolute certainty

unlawful, forbidden by sacred Muslim law. Those who keep away from the unlawful will be rewarded on the Day of Judgment while those who practiced the unlawful will be punished.
It also means an inviolable place or object, for example, Masjid u’l Harām (the Inviolable Place of Worship) in Makka

the two sacred Masjids in Makka and Madīna

battle, war

letter of the alphabet (pl: hurūf)

silk. In Islām, only women are permitted to wear silk clothing

resentful envy, jealousy. Jealousy is forbidden except in two instances; being jealous of a person for his learning or for his charity, wishing to emulate him

good. The name of the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam who united two warring Muslim factions just as our beloved Prophet Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam had prophesied

good, good deed that merits the pleasure of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā (pl: hasanāt)

refers to al-Imām al-Hasan ibn ‘Alī and al-Imām al-Husayn ibn ‘Alī both together, Rady Allāhu Anhumā

the recitation, “Hasbunallāhu wa Ni‘ma’l Wakīl”, which means “Allāh is sufficient for us and what an excellent Guardian (He is).”

Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā is sufficient for me

Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā is sufficient for us

cheerfulness, happiness

gloss, additional commentary on a text. Hāshiya means “margin”, and as this commentary was written in the margins of a book, it came to be called hāshiya

envier (pl: hāsidūn, hāsidīn)

anguish, regret, sorrow (for having sinned) (pl: hasarāt)

the semi circular northern wall of Bayt Allāh (House of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā) in Makka included in the Tawāf (circumambulation) and supposed to be a part of the Greater Ka‘ba

the natural inclination to lust, passion, desire (pl: ahwā’)

disciple of Prophet ‘Īsā ‘alayhissalām (pl: hawariyyūn)

the ‘pond’ of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, to which the believers shall come on the Day of Judgement and from which he will give them to drink. Whoever will drink from it, will not thirst again

one of the names of hell

a year; anniversary of a shaykh (spiritual master)

the saying: Lā hawla walā quwwata illā Billāh (there is no change nor power except by Allāh)

Eve, ‘alayhassalām, the mother of the whole of humanity, the first woman whom Allāh created from a rib of Nabī Ādam alayhissalām. Her name appears in the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam

modesty, sense of shame

present life

animal. Taking care of animals is sadaqa (charity) (pl: hayawānāt)

reverential awe (of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

menstruation, menses. During the period of menstruation, women neither pray salāh nor fast. When they regain ritual purity, they do not have to make up for the salāh (prayers) which they missed but they have to make up for the fasts which they missed in the month of Ramadān

to rout, to defeat (the enemy in battle)

Divine guidance

hidāya at-tawfīq
guidance through Allāh’s Grace

protection; memorization, especially of the Qur’ān and Hadīth

Hifz u’l ‘ahd
keeping the covenant

Hifz u’l lisān
guarding one’s tongue from committing sins of the tongue such as lying, back-biting, slander, tale-bearing, obscenity, abuse, mockery, giving false testimony, and cursing

curtain, the veil (of women), the veil (which veils us from Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā).
When we compare the modesty of the Muslim hijāb with the amount of nudity in films and fashion shows where women are paraded and exploited as sex objects (Astaghfirullāh), it is as clear as day that while the religion of Islām has produced a wholesome and global civilization based on piety, western capitalism is decadence.
May Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā bless and bestow success and peace on all the Muslim girls and Muslim women who wage jihād against nudity and immorality, and promote modesty, chastity and decency by putting on the Muslim hijāb, Āmīn

the region along the western seaboard of Arabia in which Makka, Madīna, Jeddah and Tā’if are situated

emigration for the sake of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. The Islamic calendar begins with the Hijra of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam from Makka to Madīna in 622 C.E, hence it is called the Hijri calendar

wise sayings or maxims

The Wisdom, the wisdom based on the revelation of the Will of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā; the knowledge of the reality of things.
It also refers to the Sayings (Hadīth) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam

new moon, the lunar crescent

clemency, mildness

(religious) zeal, (spiritual) strength, (spiritual) aspiration (pl: himam)

powder of the henna plant used for dyeing the hands and feet of women on festive occasions

hatred, spite, malice

a mountain cave near Makka where Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu <i>‘alayhi wa Sallam received his first revelation of verses of the Holy Qur’ān. Also referred to as Ghāru Hirā’

Heraclius, the name of the Roman Emperor in the time of Rasūlullāh Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam

greed, avarice

Hirz-in harīz
an impregnable fortress (such as piety)

account (of one’s deeds on the Day of Judgment). It also means “measure”. Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā provides sustenance and bounties to His creatures beyond measure

fortress, stronghold

Hisn u’l hasīn
the invulnerable fortress, refers to Rātib al-Haddād which is a regular voluntary invocation to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

Hiss wa’l ma‘nā
in reality and in essence, in form and substance

regular voluntary supplication; examples: Hizb u’n Nawawī of Imām an-Nawawī, Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh; Hizb u’l Bahr of Imām ash-Shādhilī, Rahmatullāhi alayh; and Hizb u’l Fath and Hizb u’n Nasr of Imām ‘Abdallāh bin ‘Alawī al-Haddād, Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh;
it also means “group of people” (pl: ahzāb)

Hizb u’l Fath
a supplication to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā that includes verses of the Qur’ān on fath (victory)

Hizb u’n Nasr
a supplication to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā that includes verses of the Qur’ān on nasr (help) of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

love. In the Qur’ān, we have been commanded to love Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā and Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam more than anyone or anything else

al-hubb-u Fillāh
loving for the sake of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

Hubb u’l masākīn
loving the poor and the needy

hoopoe, the bird which carried the letter from Nabī Sulaymān alayhissalām to Bilqīs, the Queen of Sabā (Sheba)

right guidance

Allāh's boundary limits for halāl (permissible) and harām (prohibited);

Divine ordinances; penal laws in Islām; prescribed legal punishments for various crimes (s: hadd).

Those who have a two-tier justice system, one for the rich and another for the poor, or who selectively enforce the law, should fear Allāh’s punishment on the Day of Judgment.

The incarceration rate in capitalism is the highest in the world but corrupt capitalists seldom go to jail. Laws under capitalism have been designed by corrupt capitalists to protect themselves and to nab the poor.

To turn attention away from their corruption, capitalists accuse Islamic laws of being barbaric. So when the capitalist media screams against God-given laws in Islām, this should be a sure sign for ordinary people all over the world that at that very moment, corrupt capitalists are up to some mischief.

The God-given law for murder is capital punishment. Muslims put it into practice. Some Christians put it into practice and some don’t. Wouldn’t it be considered the height of impudence for those Christians who have abandoned this law to accuse those Christians who practice it of being barbaric? Isn’t it more reasonable to applaud the Muslims and Christians who are serious about their religion and apply this God-given law, and condemn those Christians who mock at their religion and ridicule God-given laws?

Islamic penal laws establish justice and act as an effective deterrent against crime to protect those who are law-abiding. Muslim countries which effectively enforce Islamic law have the lowest crime rate in the world

presence of body, mind and heart (while in prayer)

Hudūr al-qalb
the presence of the heart

evidence, proof, argument in support of a stand taken

hujjat al-Islām
the proof of Islām, one of the various titles of spiritual masters, especially of Imām al-Ghazālī, Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh

apartment, room (pl: hujurāt)

ordinance, statute, legal judgement, authority, dominion (pl: ahkām)


“indwelling”, incarnation, which is a false doctrine

a valley between Makka and Tā’if where the battle of Hunayn took place in which Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam and his Companions defeated the polytheists of Quraysh in 8 A.H, 630 C.E. When the tide of the battle was turning against the Muslims, our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam rallied his Companions and infused courage in them to turn the battle in the favour of the Muslims. He showed how brave and fearless he was and what a great army Commander he was!

Sallū ‘ala’n Nabī

Allāhumma Salli wa Sallim ‘alayh

Invoke blessings on Prophet Muhammad!

May the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him

the rights (of someone) (s: haqq)

the rights of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā, to worship Him alone and obey His Commands as given in the Qur’ān and the Hadīth

Huqūq u’l ahl
the rights of the family on a family member

Huqūq u’l awlād
the rights of the children on their parents

Huqūq u’l ‘ibād
the rights of other people on an individual

Huqūq u’l Muslim
the rights of a Muslim on another Muslim

Huqūq u’l wālidayn
the rights of the two parents on the child

maiden of Paradise

kitten. Hadrat Abdu’rRahmān bin Sakhr Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu, a Companion of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam was affectionately called Abū Hurayrah (the father of kittens) because he kept many kittens and took loving care of them. He narrated the greatest number of ahādīth (Sayings) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam


freedom from enslavement (to other people or to one’s carnal desires).
If the capitalist politicians agree to be manipulated by the Israeli lobby, who can help them? The only solution for them is to accept Islām so that they can regain their mental faculties as well as their freedom

Hurūf al-muqatta‘āt
the letters with which some of the Sūrahs (chapters) of the Qur’ān begin. These letters are: alif, hā, rā, sīn, sād, tā, ‘ayn, qāf, kāf, lām, mīm, nūn, hā’, and yā’. For example, Sūrah al-Baqara begins with the letters Alif, Lām, Mīm

a religious poem in which the verses either sequentially begin or sequentially end with letters (hurūf) of the alphabet

sacred things

Husām u’d dīn
The sword of religion, a name or title of a Muslim

Handsome, a good young one. The name of the grandson of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam who is called Sayyid u’sh Shuhadā, the leader of all the martyrs

beauty, handsomeness, excellence

Husn u’l adab
appropriate behavior, proper conduct

Husn u’l khuluq
good moral character

Husn u’n niyya
good intention

Husn u’l qadā
fair judgment

Husn u’sh shirkah
good fellowship

Husn u’s sulūk
good behaviour

Husn u’z-zann
thinking well, good thoughts (about others)

Husn u’l khātima
felicitous end, blissful death as a believing Muslim, having earned Allāh’s good pleasure. May Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā bestow husn u’l khātima on all Muslims, Āmīn (syn: husn u’l khitām)

“Huwa” (He) and “Hū” (Him) refer to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā in dhikr (His remembrance)


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