Welcome to Islam
Accept Islam for your salvation
Live according to Islam for your spiritual progress
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā
I is for Islām, Īmān and Ihsān
servants of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā (s:
worship of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā (pl:
‘ibādāt: acts of worship)
the proper name for satan, the Jinn who disobeyed Allāh, and was expelled
from His Mercy
son (pl: abnā’)
ibn u’l waqt
The man of each moment. A sūfī who takes things as they come,
moment by moment, and does not worry about the future as he totally relies on
Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā, content with what
He has ordained. At the same time, he tries to do his best in each endeavour, again
following the tradition of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam, and relying on Allāh, that He will guide him
to what is best
lesson, admonition. The stories of the noble Prophets ‘alayhimussalām
have been given in the Qur’ān for us to draw lessons from
‘Īd u’l Adhā
the feast of sacrifice, the festival celebrating the Hajj (Pilgrimage) on
the 10th of Dhu’l Hijja. It celebrates the preparedness of
Nabī Ibrāhīm ‘alayhissalām to sacrifice his son
Nabī Ismā‘īl ‘alayhissalām at the Command of
Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. Allāh
accepted Nabī Ibrāhīm’s obedience, and sent Hadrat
Jibrīl ‘Alayhissalām who brought a lamb to be sacrificed instead.
Muslims all over the world celebrate this universally historic, awesome and unique
event every year by sacrificing a lamb or a goat on behalf of themselves, and on
behalf of as many family members as they can afford. Some extended families
sacrifice as many as 30 sheep or goats. On this occasion, Muslims express their joy
with resounding takbīr:
Allāhu Akbar Allāhu Akbar Allāhu Akbar
Lā Ilāha Illallāh
Wallāhu Akbar Allāhu Akbar
Wa Lillāhi’l Hamd
Allāh is Most Great, Allāh is Most Great, Allāh is Most Great
None is worthy of worship except Allāh,
and Allāh is Most Great,
Allāh is Most Great,
and for Allāh is the Praise
‘Īd u’l Fitr
the festival that marks the end of fasting in the month of Ramadān on
the first day of the following month of Shawwāl
‘Īd Mīlād u’n Nabī
the joyous annual world-wide celebration of the blessed birth of the Beloved Holy
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam on
12th Rabī‘ u’l Awwal. Joining the people in this
celebration are the angels and the jinn, the birds and the fish, the camels and the
gazelles, the mountains and the soft breeze, and the flowers and their petals.
Across every valley and alley can be heard the salāms (greetings of peace) to
our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
Sallam recited in standing ovation to him:
Yā Nabī Salām ‘Alayka
Yā Rasūl Salām ‘Alayka
Yā Habīb Salām ‘Alayka
Salawātullāh ‘Alayka
O Prophet! Greetings of Peace to you
O Prophetic Messenger! Greetings of peace to you
O Beloved! Greetings of peace to you
May the blessings of Allāh be upon you
‘Īd mubārak
“Blessed ‘Īd!” This is the greeting on the day of
waiting period (of four months and ten days for a widow or a divorcee before she
can remarry, to ascertain whether or not she is pregnant so as to avoid confusion
regarding the paternity of any child born after the new marriage)
Will or Permission of Allāh Subhānahū wa
chastity, purity, modesty
calumny, lie
In this type of Hajj, the intention is made to perform Hajj only, without the 'Umrah
breaking the fast at sunset
the state of ritual sanctity for Pilgrimage. During this, the pilgrim, wearing two
seamless woolen or linen towels or sheets, usually white, neither combs, nor shaves
and observes sexual abstinence to please Allāh Subhānahū wa
garment of the Pilgrim. Women in ihrām wear their usual dress covering
themselves, except their hands and face
spiritual excellence. Moral excellence with perfect faith and total sincerity in
fulfilling the Commandments of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā. Ihsān has been defined by Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam as: "To worship
Allāh as though you saw Him; for although you do not see Him, yet He sees
respect, esteem, reverence
caution, precautionary measure
i‘jāz al-Qur’ān
“Miraculousness of the Qur’ān”; argument for its
inimitability, that it cannot be imitated, that is to say, no human being can
reproduce the like of the Qur’ān, not even one verse; that it can only
be the Word of Allāh, not of any human. The Qur’ān challenges the
non-believers to produce even one sūrah (chapter) resembling it and to this
day, they have failed to produce it, nor will they ever be able to do so.
The Holy Qur’ān, the eternal uncreated Word of Allāh was revealed
by Allāh through Archangel Jibrīl ‘alayhissalām to Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam over a period of 23
years of his Prophetic mission. We also have the Hadīth (Sayings) of
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam over this
period which have been compiled separately as Books of Hadīth. We find
that the language of the Qur’ān is completely different from the
language of Hadīth although the words of the Qur’ān and the
words of the Hadīth were uttered by the same blessed tongue of our
Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. The
language of the Hadīth is the language of the most eloquent human being
who is the best of Allāh’s creation while the language of the
Qur’ān cannot be that of anyone other than Allāh, the Lord of the
worlds, the One and Only True God Who is worthy of worship
authorization or permission granted by a shaykh to teach Islām in general or
to recite specific text(s)
consensus of opinion of Muslim legal experts on some legal detail. Such consensus
is considered one of the sources of Islamic law
sincerity, sincere devotion to Allāh Subhānahū wa
The Sincerity. Al-Ikhlās is the name of Sūrah 112 of the Holy
Qur’ān which is recommended to be recited at least three times,
preferably eleven times before going to bed at night. It consists of four momentous
verses about Divine Unity and Pure Islamic Monotheism. Its recitation three times
merits the same reward as the recitation of the whole Qur’ān
ikhlās al ‘amal
sincere devotion in performing deeds
difference (of opinion); refers to the difference in interpretation of Muslim law
which according to a Saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad is a sign of the
Mercy of Allāh. These differences do not relate to general principles but to
minor matters of detail about the performance of religious duties
self-will, personal preference. A Muslim abandons personal preference if it goes
against Allāh’s Commands (pl: ikhtiyārāt)
coercion (lā ikrāha fiddīn: There is no coercion in religion)
honor; hospitality; generosity
Ilallāhi’l masīr
to Allāh is the end of all the journeys
inspiration bestowed by Allāh on his Friends (the awliyā Allāh)
Register of good deeds (with Allāh); the book where the acts of the righteous
are recorded
knowledge. It is obligatory on Muslims, both male and female, to seek knowledge.
Muslims have been urged to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. The first
madrasa (religious school) is the mother’s lap, so Muslim mothers make every
effort to be knowledgeable about Islām, and try to be scrupulously pious (pl:
‘ilm al-akhlāq
ethics, the study of morals and good manners
‘ilm al-bātin
internal knowledge, esoteric learning, hidden or "inner learning" about spiritual
‘ilm u’l farāid
the law of inheritance
al-‘ilm al-ladunī
knowledge bestowed directly by Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā on His Friends (awliyā’ Allāh) as a gift
from Him. Such knowledge might be obtained through true dreams, inner-sight, waking
vision, meeting rijāl u’l ghayb (men of the unseen), tajallī
(flashes of spiritual light), ilhām (inspiration), kashf (unveiling of
spiritual mysteries) or through other means
‘ilm u’n nāfi‘
useful knowledge, which we should always pray for
‘ilm u’t Tawhīd
knowledge of the Unity of Allāh, study of Pure Monotheism, knowledge of the
Muslim creed, what Muslims believe in
‘ilm u’t tibb
the science of medicine
‘ilm al-yaqīn
sure and certain knowledge
‘ilm az-zāhir
external knowledge, manifest knowledge (of Muslim law, for example, which is one
of the first pre-requisites to begin to be a practicing Muslim)
support, pillar (pl: ‘amad)
‘Imād u’d Dīn
The pillar of religion, a title bestowed upon a Muslim shaykh
Muslim leader; the word imām refers to various types of Muslim leaders, for
example: the leader of all the Muslims; the leader of a part of the Muslim
community; the leader of the congregational prayer and the leading Muslim scholars
of each generation (pl: a’imma)
Imām u’l Mursalīn
The leader of all the Prophetic Messengers of Allāh. A title of Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
Imām u’l A‘zam
the greatest Imām, a title of Imām Abū Hanīfa
Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu
turban (pl: ‘amā’im)
true faith (of a Muslim in the religion of Islām), the light of faith that
shines in the heart; the conviction that Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā is indeed the only One Who is worthy of worship and that
Sayyidinā wa Mawlānā Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam is His Final Prophet
the father of Prophet Mūsā and Prophet Hārūn,
‘alayhimussalām. Also the name of Sayyidatinā Maryam’s
father, ‘alayhimussalām
the time when the fast begins before Fajr salāh (dawn prayer)
test, examination. Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā
puts people to trial to test their worth
grape. This is one of the bounties which Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā has provided for which we have to be thankful to Him (pl:
reward, award
His (Allāh’s) providential care, loving concern; solicitude
the original scripture that was revealed by Allāh Subhānahū
wa Ta‘ālā to Nabī ‘Īsā
‘alayhissalām (Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him) through Angel
Jibrīl ‘alayhissalām
innā Lillāhi wa innā ilayhi rāji‘ūn
“surely, we are for Allāh and indeed to Him we are returning”,
said in consolation when someone passes away or is afflicted by a misfortune
man (pl: unās)
justice. Muslims should try to follow the example set by our Beloved Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam in establishing
justice at home, in our community, in our country and internationally
al-Insān al-Kāmil
the perfect man, refers to the beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad
al-Mustafā, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
in shā’ Allāh
"if Allāh wills," said whenever one refers to the future
the call to commence the five times daily obligatory prayer.
Adhān is given to call the Muslims to prayer. Once the Muslims are gathered in
the masjid and have performed Sunnah prayers individually, then we have the
iqāma which is the call to the congregation to commence the obligatory prayer.
It is meritorious to give both the adhān and the iqāma even if one is
praying alone at home or at any other place.
The wordings of the iqāma are similar to the wordings of the adhān except
that in the iqāma, we add qad qāmati’s salāh (the
prayer has commenced) which is recited twice after hayya ‘ala’l
falāh (come to success)
“Recite!” This was the first word of the Holy Qur’ān to be
revealed to Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
Sallam by the Archangel Jibrīl ‘alayhissalām. From this, we
can fathom the importance of recitation, reading and learning in Islām
iqrār (bi’l-lisān)
verbal declaration (of one’s faith and belief)
moderation, adopting a middle course, being frugal (but not miserly)
caravan. O Allāh! Put us in the caravan of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam (syn: rakb)
aspiration, desire, wish (to follow Allāh's Commands)
The Intention (of Allāh Subhānahū wa
good repute
spiritual insight
guidance, religious guidance
inheritance, heritage, legacy
night prayer, one of the five daily obligatory prayers
allusion, symbolism, a hint from the shaykh conveying matters of spiritual
love (for Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā and his
beloved Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
to set things right
islāh u’n nafs
to set oneself right, to improve oneself morally
a universal religion ordained by Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā for the whole of mankind till the end of time preached by
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam in its final
and complete form and preached by Prophets before him. It is a religion of pure
monotheism that teaches worship of the One and Only True God, Allāh
name (pl: asmā’)
al-Ism al-A‘zam
the Greatest Name of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā. Allāh has ninety-nine Most Beautiful Names of which
the greatest is Allāh
Ism al-Dhāt
the Proper Name of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā. Allāh has ninety-nine Most Beautiful Names. His Proper
Name is Allāh, the rest are Asmā’ u’s-Sifāt
(Attributive Names)
chastity, purity, Allah’s preservation of the Prophets from wrong-doing
the chain of authorities who conveyed a Hadīth (Saying) of Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam (pl:
the night journey of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi
wa Sallam, from Makka to Al-Quds (Jerusalem). Al-Mi‘rāj is his heavenly
ascension from Masjid al-Aqsā in Jerusalem and his return back to
wastefulness (is makrūh or disliked)
the angel who will blow the Trumpet on the Day of Judgment to herald it
to call for succour, to call for help
begging forgiveness of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā. If someone sincerely begs forgiveness of Allāh,
Allāh relieves him of all his worries, removes all his difficulties, and
provides him with bounties that cannot be counted. If someone recites
Astaghfirullāh li’l mu’minīna wa’l mu’mināt
(O Allāh! Forgive all the Muslim men and Muslim women) 27 times every day,
Allāh answers all his prayers, and he is raised to the level of abdāl
which is a high rank of sūfī saints
asking Allāh to guide one to the right sort of action concerning an important
endeavour. A two rak‘a prayer is offered for this purpose with a special
du‘ā (supplication)
to kiss Hajar al-Aswad (the Black Stone) in the Ka‘ba in Makka
washing the private parts with water after urinating or passing stool
rectitude, steadfastness, standing firm in following Islām at all times
istiqbāl u’l qibla
facing the direction of prayer which is the Ka‘ba in Makka to pray
salāh. It is also recommended to face in the direction of the
Ka‘ba to recite the Qur’ān
obedience, obedient submission (to Allāh)
altruism, giving others preference over oneself. When Prophet Muhammad
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam migrated with his Companions from
Makka to Madīna, the Ansār (Helpers) of Madīna gave
preference to the Muhājirīn (Emigrants) from Makka over their
sin, committing an unlawful deed
staying for a prolonged period in the masjid, especially in the last ten days of
the month of Ramadān with the intention of worship, as was practiced by
the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
firm belief, firm conviction
withdrawal or secession, the theology of that deviant group which withdrew from
the circle of Shaykh Hasan al-Basrī Rahmatullāhi
‘alayh and who became known as the Mu‘tazila sect
perfume. To apply perfume is a Prophetic tradition. A Muslim is expected to be
neat, clean, smiling, pleasant, and fragrant, both outwardly and inwardly in the
members of his (Prophet Muhammad’s) Family
freeing, emancipation (of a slave). For example, Sayyidinā Abū Bakr
as-Siddīq Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu bought the freedom
of slaves by paying off their masters (syn: i‘tāq)
perfection, mastery
following (the path of Islām, following the Qur’ān and the Sunnah).
Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā says in the Holy
Qur’ān that if you claim to love Allāh, then you should obey
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, and
if you do indeed obey the Prophet, then Allāh will love you
‘Izz u’d dīn
The honour of religion, one of the titles bestowed on spiritual masters, the name
or title of a Muslim
honour, glory, esteem, strength. Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā says in the Holy Qur’ān, verse (63:8) that honour
belongs to Him, to His Prophet, Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam, and to the Muslims