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Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam
Al-'Allamah Huseyn Hilmi Isik in Advice for the Muslim (pages 204-205), notes that Mustafa Katib Chelebi Rahmatullahi 'alaih has listed ten kutub (books) of Mawlid u'n Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam in his book Kashf az-Zunun (Clearing The Doubts) and its appendix. Of these, the kitab (book) of al-'Allamah Sulaiman Chelebi Effendi Rahmatullahi 'alaih has already been referred to. These kutub (books) inevitably contain salaams on the beloved Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. To quote al-'Allamah Huseyn Hilmi Isik:
1. "The Turkish mawlid eulogy of Sulaiman Chelebi of Bursa has won a great fame. He was the imam (at ritual prayers) of Ottoman Sultan Yildirim Bayezid Khan (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih) and passed away in 800 A.H, (1398). It has been loved and recited everywhere in Turkey as it was throughout the Ottoman Empire. Its original title was Wasilat an-najat.
2. The mawlid eulogy written by Hamdullah Effendi (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih), who was the son of Ak Shams ad-din Effendi.
3. Another mawlid was written by Molla Hasan al-Basri (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih), who passed away in 994 A.H. (1586).
4. That written by Waiz Muhammad ibn Hamza.
5. Another one was written by Shams ad-din as-Siwasi (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih), who passed away in 1006 A.H. (1598).
6. Jami al-asrar fi mawlidi 'l-muhtar by Hafiz ibn Nasir ad-din ad-Dimishki (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih).
7. At-ta'rif bi l'mawlidi 'sh-sharif by Ibn Asir Muhammad al-Jazri, who passed away in 833 A.H. (1430).
8. Ad-Durr ul-munazzam fi mawlidi 'n-Nabii 'l-mu'azzam by Abu 'l-Qasim Muhammad al-Luluwi (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih), who passed away in Damuscus in 867 A.H. (1463).
9. Mawlid 'n-Nabi by 'Afif ad-din Muhammad at-Tabrizi, who passed away in al-Madinat al-munawwara in 855 A.H. (1451).
10.Mawlid 'n-Nabi by Sayyid Muhammad Kawukju al-Hanafi, who passed away in 1305 A.H. (1887)".
Imam as-Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki lists the Mawlid Shareef composed in 'Arbi by the following 9 mashaaikh of which he has reproduced the fifth to the ninth in Baqatun 'Atirah (A Perfumed Bouquet).
1. Hafiz Muhammad bin Abibakr bin 'Abdallah al-Qusayy al-Dimishqi, popularly known as Hafiz Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Nasir ad-din ad-Dimishqi, Rahmatullahi 'alaih. He wrote the mawlid eulogy in 777 A.H. and passed away in 842 A.H.
2. Hafiz 'Abdulrahim bin al-Husain bin 'Abdulrahman al-Misri, popularly known as Hafiz al-Iraqi, Rahmatullahi 'alaih. He wrote the mawlid eulogy in 825 A.H. and passed away in 808 A.H.
3. Al-Hafiz Muhammad bin 'Abdulrahman bin Muhammad al-Qahiri, popularly known
as as Hafiz al-Sakhawi, Rahmatullahi 'alaih. He wrote the mawlid
eulogy in 831 A.H. and passed away in 902 A.H.
4. Al-Hafiz al-Imam Mulla Ali Qari bin Sultan bin Muhammad, Rahmatullahi 'alaih. He passed away in 1014 A.H.
5. Al-Hafiz Wajeed ad-Deen Abdulrahman bin Ali bin Muhammad bin ad-Dayba' ash-Shaybaani ash-Shafi'i, Rahmatullahi 'alaih (866-944 A.H).
6. Al-Hafiz Al-Imam Imaaduddeen Isma'il bin 'Umar bin Katheer (Sahib u't Tafseer), Rahmatullahi 'alaih (702-774 A.H).
7. Al-Imam al-Aalim as-Sayyid Ja'far al-Barzanji, Rahmatullahi alaih.
8. Al-Imam 'Arif Billah as-Sayyid Ali bin Muhammad bin Husain al-Habshi, Rahmatullahi 'alaih.
9. Shaykh Muhammad al-Azb, Rahmatullahi 'alaih.
Indeed, Hafiz ad-Dimishqi has versified on the merit of celebrating the mawlid in his book Mawrid al-Sadi Fee Mawlid al-Hadi (The Water Fount For The Thirsty In The Birth Of The Guide). These verses have been translated and explained by Shaykh Siddiq Ahmad Nasir in his translation of Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti's Husn al-Maqsid fee 'Amal al-Mawlid (The Excellence of the Objective In Celebrating the Birth of the Noble Prophet, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Shaykh Siddiq Ahmad Nasir explains that Hafiz ad-Dimishqi wrote in his book:
"It is established in Sahih Ahadith that punishment is lessened
for Abu Lahab every Monday because he set Thuwaibah free out of joy and happiness
at the birth of the Noble Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam".
After that he composed these three verses:
Idhaa kaana haadhaa kaafiran ja'a dhimmuhu
Bi Tabbat Yadaa fi'l jaheemi mukhalladaa
Ataa annahu fee yaumi'l Ithnayni daaiman
Yukhaffif 'anhu lisururi bi Ahmadaa
Famadhannu bi'l 'abdilladhee kaana 'umruhu
Bi Ahmad masrooran wa maata Muwahhidaa
When this is a kaafir and
his censure has come (in the Qur'an)
Perish his hands in the fire of hell forever
It has been narrated that
always on Monday
(His punishment) is lessened because of his happiness at (the birth of) Ahmad
What is the view then about
the servant (of Allah) who spent his whole life
Being happy at (the birth of) Ahmad and died an upholder of Tawhid?
May Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala give us the hidaya (guidance) to continue sending salawaat and salaam on the beloved Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam till our last breath and give all of us Husn u'l Khaatimah (a felicitous end), Aameen Yaa Rabba'l 'Aalameen.
Sallallahu 'alaa Muhammad
Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallim
Yaa Nabi Salaam 'alaika
Yaa Rasul Salaam 'alaika
Yaa Habib Salaam 'alaika
Salawatullah 'alaika.
**Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Shaykh Ahmad Dualle and Brother Mahdi Ali for help with Arabic translations.**
Note: This article was first published in The Islamic Times, Raza Academy, Stockport, U.K, 1998.