Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
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THE HOLY PROPHET Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam

Part three of the kitab presents salawaat on the blessed Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad al-Mustafa Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam as the exalted herald of glad tidings for various categories of his followers. For example, he is the exalted herald of glad tidings for mu'mineen (believers) as in the following salaat:

Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-i-ni'l
Basheeri'l mubash-shiri li'l mu'mineena
Bimaa Qaal-Allahu Ta'ala
Wa Bash-shiri'l Mu'mineena bianna lahum Min-Allahi Fadhlan Kabeeraa
Wallahu dhoo fadhlin 'ala'l Mu'mineen

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on Sayyidina Muhammad,
who is indeed the exalted herald of glad tidings
and the conveyor to the believers
of what Allah, The Exalted said:
And announce the glad tidings to the believers
that they shall have high favours from Allah
And Allah is full of Graciousness towards the believers (3:152).

In the same way, the beloved Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam brought glad tidings for:

muslimeen (those who surrender to Allah, al-Qur'an, verse 22:78),

ummatihi (his followers, 3:110),

daa'een (the propagators of Islam, 3:104),

shaahideen (witnesses of Truth, 5:83, 3:53),

muti'een (those who obey Him, 4:69-70),

mujahideen (those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah Ta'ala, 4:95-96),

muhajireen and ansaar (emigrants in the way of Allah Ta'ala, and their helpers, 8:74,

mutawakkileen (those who put their trust in Allah Ta'ala, 3:159, 9:129),

saabireen (those who endure the ordeals of life patiently, 2:153, 2:156-157, 3:146),

shuhadaa (the martyrs, 2:154, 3:169-171),

muttaqeen (the righteous who fear Allah, 2:1-5, 2:194),

mukhliseen (sincerely devoted to Allah Ta'ala, 98:5, 40:65),

'aabideen (worshippers of Allah Ta'ala, 39:11-12, 13:36, 15:98-99),

musalleen (who offer salah, prayers, 29:45, 2:238),

zaakireen (who do zikr, 2:152, 62:10, 13:28, 33:35),

musabbiheen (who praise and glorify Allah Ta'ala, 59:1, 33:41-44),

haamideen (who hymn praises of Allah Ta'ala, 18:1, 17:111),

shaakireen (the grateful, 2:172, 16:78),

munibeen (who turn to Allah in devotion, 42:13, 50:33-34, 11:75),

mukhbiteen (the humble and lowly before Allah Ta'ala, 22:34-35),

qaaniteen (who adore Allah Ta'ala, 39:9),

khaaifeen (who fear Allah Ta'ala, 55:46, 79:40-41),

khaashi'een (who pray to Allah in humility, 23:1-2, 2:45-46, 36:11),

mustaghfireen (who ask forgiveness, 4:110, 40:7, 8:33),

tawwaabeen (who repent, 6:54, 66:8, 42:25, 2:222),

as-saaileen (the questioners, 2:186, 40:60),

'aamileen (who work righteously, 16:97, 40:40, 39:74),

saaimeen (who observe fast, 2:185),

hujjaj (Hajj pilgrims, 3:96-97, 2:197),

zaahideen (the abstinent, 18:46),

saaliheen (the righteous, 7:196, 5:9, 3:114),

saadiqeen (the truthful, 9:119, 5:119),

muhsineen (who being good in themselves, do good to others, 2:195, 7:56, 9:120, 29:69),

muqarrabeen (those who are drawn near to Allah, 56:88-89, 56:10-16),

faaizeen (the successful in this life and in the Hereafter, 10:63-64, 57:12),

al-abraar (the virtuous, 2:177), and

munfiqeen (who spend in the way of Allah Ta'ala, 2:261-263, 2:268, 3:92, 2:215,
2:273-274, 3:133-134).

Each of these sifaat (attributes) has a salaat woven around one or more verses of the Holy Qur'an. For example:

Allahumma Salli Wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-i-ni'l
Bashir i'l mubash-shiri li'z-zaahideena bimaa Qaal-Allahu Ta'ala:

Al-maalu wa'l banoona zeenatu'l hayaatid-dunyaa
Wa'l baaqiyaat u's saalihaatu
Khayrun 'inda Rabbika thawaaban
Wa khayrun 'amalaa.

O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on Sayyidina Muhammad,
who is indeed the exalted herald of glad tidings
and the conveyor to the abstinent
of what Allah, The Exalted said:

Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this world;
but the good deeds which abide,
are better with your Lord in reward
and better in expectation
. (18:46)

There are 38 such salawaat with a total of 116 verses from the Glorious Qur'an. Mawlana Burney Rahmatullahi 'alaih thus conveys the hidaya (guidance) from the Holy Qur'an and adds to it the baraka (blessing) of salawaat.


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