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The Biographies of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Some scholars have written whole books of biography on Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anhu. Some have written articles on him while others have mentioned him in their writings by way of illustration. A preliminary survey reveals the following biographies of the Shaykh in various languages.
A: In Arabic
Biographies which deal with the virtues and the glorious deeds of a Muslim luminary are called manaqib in Arabic. Some of the learned scholars who have written the manaqib of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, expounding on his exemplary character, his achievements in piety, and his miracles are:
- Imam Muhyiddin an-Nawawi
(631-676 A.H), in Bustan ul Arifin (Gardens of the
Spiritual Masters).
- Shaykh Abul Hasan
Ali ash-Shattanawfi of Egypt (passed away 713 A.H, 1314 C.E),
in Bahjat al-Asrar (Splendour of the Mysteries). This is the first
major biography of the Shaykh from which others have benefited.
- Shaykh Afif
ud Din al-Yafii ash-Shafii of Yemen (718-768 A.H,
1318-1367 C.E), in Khulasat al-mafakhir fiktisar manaqib ash-Shaykh Abd
al-Qadir (A Biography of Shaykh Abdul Qadir summarising his
glorious qualities), and in Mirat al-Jinan (The Mirrors of
- Al-Hafiz Imad-ud-Din ibn
Kathir (701-774 A.H, 1302-1373 C.E), in his Tarikh (History) entitled
Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya (The Beginning and the End).
- Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya at-Tadifi (passed away 963 A.H, 1556 C.E), in Qalaid al-Jawahir (Necklaces of Gems), translated by Shaykh Muhtar Holland. In this major biography, Shaykh at-Tadifi records, in addition to the ones mentioned above, more than 40 great Imams and mashaayikh who have expounded on the spiritual achievements of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, among them being:
- Shaykh Hasan ibn Umayr
ash-Shirazi in Iqd al-Iqyan. This is a
manaqib (biography) of 17 chapters in poetic prose in which the verses
alternatively rhyme in the letters yaa, and alif.
- Shaykh Abdur
Rahman ibn Ahmad al-Qadiri az-Zaylai, entitled Fayd ur Rahmani
(The Grace of the Beneficent), consisting of 11 chapters in Majmua
Mushtamila (A Compendium of Writings).
- Habib Muhammad ibn ash-Shaykh Sidq Muhammad Ibrahim al-Qahiri, given in Al-Fuyudaat ur Rabbaniyya (Emanations of Lordly Grace),
- Shaykh As-Sayyid Ahmad ar-Rifai (passed away 578 A.H, 1182 C.E),
- Shaykh Abu Madyan Shuayb (520-594 A.H, 1126-1198 C.E),
- Shaykh Shihabuddin Umar as-Suhrawardi (539-632 A.H, 1145-1234 C.E),
- Imam Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (773-852 A.H)
He also quotes from about a dozen biographies of the Shaykh by various well-known ulama (learned scholars).
Rahmatullahi alayhim ajmaeen.
B: In Urdu, by
- Mawlana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri, in Jinnat Ka Baadshah (The
King of Jinns and Other Marvels of Ghawth-e-Azam), in which he has primarily
referenced the original source, that is the biography of the Shaykh entitled Bahjat
al-Asrar of Shaykh ash-Shattanawfi. He also quotes a few verses from Shah
Waliyullah Dehlawi Rahmatullahi alayh (passed away 1176 A.H, 1762
C.E) in honour of the Shaykh.
- Miya Umar
Din, in Anwar-e-Qadiriyya (The Lights of the Qadiriyya). This is
a comprehensive biography of about 200 pages. In it, Miyan Umar Din
has given an Urdu translation of 412 selected pieces of advice from the discourses
of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani which he considers constitute the core
of this teaching. He has also included biographical accounts of the Shaykh written
- Mujaddid Alfi Thani Shaykh Ahmad Faruqi as-Sirhindi, Rahmatullahi alayh (972-1034 A.H, 1564-1625 C.E) who has written about Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani in Maktub Number 123 in his Maktubat (Letters).
- Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi Rahmatullahi alayh (passed away 1052 A.H, 1642 C.E), in Akhbar ul-Akhyar (Narratives About The Chosen Ones). He translated the Futuh al-Ghaib of the Ghawth al-Azam into Persian.
- Allamah Abdur
Rahim Khan Qadiri, in Sirat-e-Ghawth-e-Azam (The History
of the Ghawth al-Azam). This is another comprehensive biography
of about 250 pages.
- Mawlana Ashiq
Ilahi Mirthi, in the Introduction to his translation of Al-Fath-ur-Rabbani.
- Mawlana Sayyid Abd ud Daim Jilani , in the Introduction to his translation of Al-Ghunya Li Talibi Tariqil Haqq.
C: In Turkish, by
Shaykh Muzaffar Ozak Effendi, in Ziynet ul Qulub (The Adornment of Hearts), translated by Shaykh Muhtar Holland.
D: In English, by
- Dr. Zahurul Hasan Sharib, Rahmatullahi alayh, entitled Ghawth
ul Azam Pirane Pir (The Greatest Spiritual Helper, The
Shaykh of Shaykhs).
- Dr. Muhammad Haroon, Rahmatullahi
alayh, The World Importance of Ghawth Al Azam Shaykh
Abdul Qadir Jilani.
- Shaykh Tosun al-Jerrahi
al-Halveti, in the Introduction to his translation of Sirr al-Asrar
(The Secret of Secrets).
- Shaykh Muhtar Holland,
in the Introduction to his translation of Futuh al-Ghaib (Revelations
of the Unseen).
- Shaykh Muhammad al-Akili,
in the Preface to his translation of Al Fath-ur- Rabbani (The
Endowment of Divine Grace).
- Professor Shetha al-Dargazelli and Dr. Louay Fatoohi, in the Introduction to their translation of Jila al-Khatir (Purification of the Mind).
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum