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Those Who Have Eulogized on Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Given these realities of history, is it any wonder then to find that more qasaaid (poems, called manqabat in Urdu) have been composed in praise of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anhu than on any other saint? A preliminary survey of these eulogies in various languages yields the following results:
A: In Arabic
Some of the mashaayikh who have eulogised on Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani in their qasaaid (religious poetry) in Arabic are:
- Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad, in Ad-Durr
ul Manzum Li-Dhawil Uqul wal Fuhum, p. 240.
- Shaykh Afif
ud-Din Muhammad al-Yafii al-Yamani, quoted in Qalaid al-Jawahir,
p. 552.
- Qadi Abu Bakr ibn al-Qadi
Ishaq of Egypt, widely known as Ibni al-Fattah al-Misri, quoted in Qalaid al-Jawahir,
p. 557.
- Shaykh Uways bin Muhammad
al-Qadiri of Somalia.
Two of his poems on the Shaykh are given in Jawhar un Nafis (p. 102-107). The first one, consisting of 45 verses is on Baghdad, in the poetical meter of waafir. The second, which has 34 verses, is a Nuniyya in that all the verses rhyme in the letter nun. It is also a hurufiyya; the first verse begins with alif, the first letter in the Arabic alphabet; the second with the letter baa; the third with the letter taa; and so on until we come to the last letter yaa, after which a few more verses are added. In this way, all the letters or huruf of the Arabic alphabet are used. Hence, it is a hurufiyya.
- Shaykh Abdur
Rahman bin Ahmad az-Zaylai of Somalia (compiled in Majmua
Mushtamila, p. 83-85, 116-119, 121-124).
He has three qasaaid, one a laamiyya with 31 verses rhyming in the letter laam, the second a raaiyya with 41 verses rhyming in the letterraa, and the third an alifiyya, with 28 verses rhyming in the letter alif.
- Shaykh Abdur
Rahman bin Shaykh Abdallah of Somalia in Dalil il Ibaad
ilaa Sabil ir Rashad (A Guide For Servants To The Path of Allah,
p. 115-117). His qasida is a raaiyya with 22 verses
in the poetical meter of raml.
- Shaykh Abdallah
bin Muallim Yusuf al-Qutbi al-Qadiri, in his compendium entitled
Al-Majmua al-Mubaraka al-Mushtamila alaa Kutubi Khamsa
(A Blessed Compendium of Five Books).
He composed two eulogies on the Shaykh, one of which is a Nuniyya hurufiyya in which the verses begin in alphabetical order and rhyme in the letter nun. It is in the poetical meter of al-hajaz. The second qasida is a Raaiyya hurufiyya in which the verses begin in alphabetical order and rhyme in the letter raa. It is in the poetical meter of al-rajaz.
- Shaykh Qasim al-Barawi
He composed three qasaaid, a raaiyya with 16 verses, another raaiyya with 65 verses, and a nuniyya with 41 verses. This nuniyya contains all the attributive names and titles of praise of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Rady Allahu Anhu. These qasaaid are given in Al-Majmua al-Mubaraka al-Mushtamila alaa Kutubi Khamsa mentioned above.
- Shaykh Abdul
Aziz bin Abdul Ghani al-Umawi.
He composed a few verses on Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani which are given in Al-Majmua al-Mubaraka al-Mushtamila alaa Kutubi Khamsa mentioned above.
- Various anonymous mashaayikh, whose qasaaid, 27 of them, all handwritten, are given in the Diwan (Collected Religious Poems) in Tariqatul Qadiriyya, This was gifted to me by Janab Abdul Shakur Hobaya of Mombasa, Kenya,
Rahmatullahi alayhim ajmain.
B: In Urdu, Farsi, Punjabi and Sindhi
- Miya Umar Din has compiled in his book entitled Anwar-e-Qadiriyya
(The Lights of the Qadiriyya) the manqabat (poetic praise) of Shaykh
Abdul Qadir Jilani in Urdu, Persian and Punjabi that has been composed
by the awliya Allah, the mashaayikh and the ulama,
all Hanafi, among whom are:
- Hadrat Khawaja Qutb ud Din Bakhtiyar Kaki (passed away 569-633 A.H, 1174-1235 C.E)
- Hadrat Khawaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi (717-791 A.H, 1317-1389 C.E)
- Hadrat Makhdum Alauddin Ali Ahmad Sabir Kalyari (born 592 A.H)
- Hadrat Baha ul Haqq Zakariya Multani (passed away 1276 C.E)
- Hadrat Shah Abul Maali
- Hadrat Mawlana Abdur Rahman Jami (passed away 898 A.H, 1492 C.E)
- Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi (passed away 1052 A.H, 1642 C.E)
- Sultan ul Arifin Sultan Bahu (1039-1102 A.H; 1631-1691 C.E)
- Ala Hadrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (1272-1340 A.H, 1856-1921 C.E)
- Hadrat Warith Shah saheb
- Hadrat Miyan Muhammad Bakhsh,
Rahmatullahi alayhim ajmain.
The other manqabat that Miya Umar Din has included are by Mawlana Hasrat Mawhani, Hadrat Hasan Raza Barelwi, Hadrat Daagh Dehlawi, Hamid Warthi, Waqif Jallendri, and Baydam Warthi.
- Of all the mashaayikh
who have composed the manqabat on the Shaykh, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan
Rahmatullahi alayh, occupies pride of place in that he has composed
the greatest number of manqabat. In all, he composed 11 manqabat which
are given in Hadaaiqi Bakhshish (The Gardens of Gifts). He also
composed the Shajarah Qadiriyya in verse which gives the spiritual
roots of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, and he rendered a poetic translation
of Qasida Gawthiyya in Farsi.
- Gulzare Tayyiba
(The Pleasant Garden), compiled by Sayyid Muhammad Ismail
Shirazi, contains 17 manqabat in Urdu composed by Sayyid Abdur
Rahim Muhammad Ismail Shirazi and various other scholars.
- Sirat-e-Ghawth-e-Azam
(The History of the Greatest Saint) of al-Allama Abdur
Rahim Khan Qadiri has 4 manqabat in Urdu composed by himself and various
other scholars.
- Nur Namu (An
Exposition on the Light of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) of Abul
Hasan has one manqabat in Sindhi.
- Various anonymous manqabat.
And we must not forget all the qawwalis in honour of the Shaykh in Urdu, Farsi and Punjabi.
C: In Indonesian
By Shaykh Hamzah Fansuri, Rahmatullahi alayh, as quoted by Professor Sayyid Muhammad Naquib al-Attas in Some Aspects of Sufism as Understood and Practiced Among the Malays.
D: In Turkish
An anonymous poem on the Tarikat-i Aliyye-i Rifaiyye internet web-site at www.rifai-kadiri.org/Kadiri.html
If there is so much religious poetry in honour of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, then how much more religious poetry must there be on the family and companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and on the beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam himself? Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik alayh.
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa
Yaa Hayyu Yaa
Hayyu Yaa Qayyum