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From Hadith Sharif
(compiled by)
1. Imam Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-al-Bukhari, Al-Jami' us-Sahih (The Compendium of Authenticated Sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), vol. 5, tr. by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Kazi Publications, Lahore, 1979, p. 238-240.
(It contains the names of only 46 Companions about whom Imam al-al-Bukhari had himself gathered Hadith evidence).
2. Imam Abu'l Husayn Muslim, Al-Jami' us-Sahih (The Compendium of Authenticated Sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), vol. 3, tr. by 'Abdul Hamid Siddiqi, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, 1973.
(It contains Hadith evidence for about 40 Companions).
From Classics of Muslim Spirituality
1. Imam Abu'l Fida Isma'il ibn Kathir, As-Sirat u'n Nabawiyyah, (The History of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), vol. 2, Dar u'l Kitab al-'Arabi, p. 432-447.
(He gives the names of the Muslim warriors of the Battle of Badr in alphabetical order, indicates the sources, and gives details about the slight variations in reporting the names of some of the companions in the different sources).
2. As-Sayyid Imam Ja'far bin Hasan bin 'Abdul Karim al-Barzanji, Jaliyatul kadar bi dhikri Ahl Badr wa Shuhada Uhud as-Sadati'l Ghurar (A Community With Meagre Means: Remembering The Noble Warriors of the Battle of Badr and the Noble Martyrs of the Battle of Uhud), in Mukhkhu'l 'Ibada (The Kernel of Worship), compiled by al-Habib as-Sayyid 'AbdAllâh ibn Mustafâ ibn Hasan al-'Aydarûs, n.p, n.d, p. 477-492.
(This is a Tawassul Ahl-Badr, that is, a supplication to Allah through the means of the Warriors of Badr. It is also a Tawassul Shuhada Uhud, that is, a supplication to Allah through the means of the martyrs of the battle of Uhud. The Tawassul Ahl Badr is a râiyyah, a poem all of whose 135 verse end and rhyme in the letter râ. It contains only the first names of the Companions).
3. Mawlana Diya u'd-Din Khalid al-Baghdadi, Jaliyat-u'l Akdar wa's Sayfu'l Battar, (A Community With Meagre Means But With The Sword That Slays), Hakikat Kitabevi, Istanbul, 1411/1991.
(This is a Tawassul that weaves together Asma ul Husna, salawaat and Asma Ahl Badr in prose and gives the names of the Companions in alphabetical order).
4. Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman Chohravi, Majmu'a Salawaat i'r Rasul (A Compendium of Blessings on Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Anjuman Rahmaniyya, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 1982. (Part of Juz 30, p. 12-21 contain the salawaat woven together with the names of the warriors of Badr in alphabetical order).
5. Shaykh Mustafa Rushdi ibn Isma'il ad-Dimishqi, Jabr u'l Kasr fi nazm Asma Ahl Badr (Mending The Broken: A Eulogy on the Names of the Warriors of Badr), Maktaba Isha'ah al-Islam, Delhi, n.d, p. 12-22.
(This is a Tawassul Ahl Badr. It is also a râiyyah, a poem all of whose 97 verses end and rhyme in the letter râ. It contains only the first names of the companions but indicates as well whether they are the Muhajirin that is Emigrants from Makka or the Ansar, that is Helpers from Madina, and among the Ansar, whether they belong to the tribe of Aws or Khazraj).
6. Shaykh 'Abdu'rRahman al-Azhariyy, Asma' Ahl Badr (The Names of the Warriors of the Battle of Badr), Maktaba Isha'ah al-Islam, Delhi, n.d. (This is a Tawassul Ahl Badr in prose. It gives the full names of the companions in alphabetical order, indicating whether they are the Muhajirin or the Ansar, and among the Ansar, whether they belong to the tribe of Aws or Khazraj.
Related Web Pages
Asma' Allah, Asma' u'n Nabi and Asma' Ahl Badr
Iqra Islamic Publications
The Imams and the 'ulama (learned scholars) who have been referenced are listed here in chronological order. Their earthly life-spans were:
Imam al-al-Bukhari (194 A.H/810 C.E - 256 A.H/870 C.E)
Imam al-Muslim (204 A.H/820 C.E - 261 A.H/875 C.E)
Imam ibn Kathir (710 A.H/1302 C.E - 774 A.H/1373 C.E)
Imam al-Barzanji (1690-1766 C.E)
Mawlana al-Baghdadi (1192 A.H/1778 C.E - 1242 A.H/1826 C.E)
Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman Chohravi (passed away 1342 A.H)
Shaykh Mustafa al-Dimishqi
(He composed the Tawassul in 1308 A.H)
Shaykh 'Abdu'rRahman al-Azhariyy
(no dates could be ascertained but he came after Imam al-Barzanji because he mentions him in the Introduction).
Wallahu A'lam (Allah knows best)
Siddiq Noormuhammad
Toronto, Canada.