Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Iqra Islamic Publications
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Audio Links

Recitation of the Holy Qur’an
(with Urdu translation of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan)
(and with Arabic text and English translation) (Pakistan)

Hamd: Teri Shaan Jalla Jalaalahu
(Recited by Mawlana Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqui al-Qaadiri)

Naat: Aaj hai Mawlud-e-Akram
(Recited by Mawlana Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqui al-Qaadiri)

Religious Poetry of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan and others (in Urdu)
(by world renowned reciters)
Islamic Academy

Salam of A‘la Hazrat
Ahle Sunnat

(by Al-Habib Ahmad Mash-hur bin Taha al-Haddad)
(recited in Masjid Moroni, Comoros Island, 1974)

Zikr Mawlid

Ratib al-Haddad
(recited by Ahbab al-Mustafa)

Al-Wird al-Latif
(of Imam Abdallah bin Alawi al-Haddad)
(recited by Ahbab al-Mustafa)

Sabil il-Iddikar (The Lives of Man, of Imam al-Haddad)
Dars by Shaykh Abdul Moez Nafti
Daar ibn Abbas, Sydney, Australia.

Various salawat (NEW!)

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