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Muslim Students
Quiz 10 Seniors
Write the meaning of: Yaa Dha'l Jalali wa'l Ikram
O The Possessor of Majesty and Honour. -
Write the meaning of the verse (3:2): Allahu laa ilaha illa Huwa'l Hayyu'l Qayyum
Allah! There is no god but He! The Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist. -
Write the translation of: SubhanAllah wa'l Hamdu Lillah wa laa ilaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar.
Glory be to Allah, and all praise is for Allah, and there is no god but Allah, and Allah is Most Great. -
Write the names of any five Prophets, peace be upon them.
The names of some of the Prophets, peace be upon them, that can be mentioned are:
(a) Sayyidina Nabi Muhammad, peace be upon him
(b) Sayyidina Nabi Ibrahim, peace be upon him
(c) Sayyidina Nabi Musa, peace be upon him
(d) Sayyidina Nabi 'Isa ibn Maryam, peace be upon him
(e) Sayyidina Nabi Nuh, peace be upon him.
(f) Sayyidina Nabi Dawud, peace be upon him
(g) Sayyidina Nabi Adam, peace be upon him. -
Mention any three great noble qualities of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Any three of these great noble qualities of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, can be mentioned.
(a) He is Rahmatullil 'alamin, meaning "mercy for all the worlds"
(b) He is As-Sadiq u'l Amin, meaning "the truthful and the trustworthy"
(c) He is Shafi' al-mudhnibin, meaning the intercessor for sinners on the Day of Judgment, and he will be the first to intercede
(d) He had the best manners and character
(e) He was very brave
(f) He was most forgiving
(g) He fulfilled the mission of conveying the message of Islam that Allah entrusted him with. -
Write the names of any three of his Sahaba who narrated his Sayings.
Any three of the following Companions who narrated his Sayings can be mentioned:
(a) Hadrat Abu Hurayra, Rady Allahu 'Anhu
(b) Hadrat Anas bin Malik, Rady Allahu 'Anhu
(c) Hadrat Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, Rady Allahu 'Anhu
(d) Hadrat 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, Rady Allahu 'Anhu -
Narrate any two of his prophecies.
Any two of the following prophecies of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, can be mentioned:
(a) He informed of the final victory of the Muslims (the triumphant entry into Makka) at the time of the Treaty of Hudaybiya
(b) He prophesised that Imam Hasan ibn 'Ali, Rady Allahu 'Anhu, will unite two factions of Muslims
(c) He prophesised that the Muslim Ummah will be very large
(d) A mujaddid will appear after every hundred years. -
Write the names of two of his wives.
Sayyidatina Khadija, Rady Allahu 'Anha
Sayyidatina 'Aisha Rady Allahu 'Anha -
Write the names of any four Imams of Hadith who compiled his Sayings.
The names of any four of these Imams of Hadith who compiled his Sayings can be mentioned:
Imam al-Bukhari, Rahmatullahi 'alayh
Imam Muslim, Rahmatullahi 'alayh
Imam Tirmidhi, Rahmatullahi 'alayh
Imam Abu Dawud, Rahmatullahi 'alayh
Imam an-Nasai, Rahmatullahi 'alayh
Imam Ibn Majah, Rahamtullahi 'alayh. -
Name any one of the so-called worldly super-powers in his time whom the Muslims later defeated.
The Persians -
What was the title given to the King of their country?
Khusraw -
How many Muslims shall enter Paradise without reckoning?
70,000 -
Is Hadrat Ukasha bin Mihsan, Rady Allahu 'Anhu, one of them?
Yes -
How do we know that?
The Beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, informed us about it. -
Name any two mountains in the vicinity of Makka and Madina.
Any two of the following mountains can be mentioned:
Mount Uhud, Mount Hira, Mount Thawr. -
Who is a Mujaddid?
A Mujaddid is a great Muslim who revives the original spirit of Islam among Muslims so that they become more practicing and devout. -
After how many years does another Mujaddid appear?
After every 100 years. -
The Mahdy will appear before the Day of Judgement to eliminate oppression and establish justice. Whose descendant will he be?
He will be a descendant of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, from Sayyidatina Fatima, Rady Allahu 'Anha. -
When Nabi 'Isa, peace be upon him, comes back to earth from heaven, mention one of the things he will do.
He will break the cross, and he will defeat Dajjal (the anti-Christ). -
Mention any two of the Signs of the Day of Judgement.
Any two of the following signs of the Day of Judgement can be mentioned:
(a) Religious knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious learned men)
(b) Ignorance will prevail
(c) Drinking of alcoholic drinks (will be very common)
(d) Dajjal (the anti-Christ) will appear on earth and Sayyidina Nabi 'Isa, peace be upon him, will descend from heaven to defeat him.