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Muslim Students
Quiz 11 Juniors
- Who was the first Prophet?
- Who is the last Prophet?
- What did the beloved holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, do to his enemies who
stoned and beat him?
- How old was Sayyidina Ismail 'alayhissalam when Nabi
Ibrahim 'alayhissalam brought him to Makka?
- Whose son was Nabi Ishaq, 'alayhissalam?
- Which Prophet did the Holy Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, see
doing tawaf of the Ka'ba?
- What is the meaning of Hajj mabrur?
- Can you perform Hajj on behalf of someone who has passed away?
- What is the meaning of labbayk?
- What is the meaning of miqat?
- What is the miqat of the people of Madina?
- There is a well in Makka whose water is a cure.What is that water called?
- What is the name of the most famous stone in the Ka'ba?
- Mention any one thing that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, forbid people
to do in Madina?
- Who is guarding the mountain paths of Madina according to Hadith?
- What is the meaning of Masjid Nabawi?
- What is the reward of performing forty salah in Masjid Nabawi?
- On which day of Dhul Hijja is Ihram put on for Hajj?
- What do you recite when you stone the jamaraat in Mina?
- What is done at 'Arafat on Hajj?