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Muslim Students
Quiz 13 Juniors
- Mention any one good deed that good pious people perform using their hands.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) giving zakah and sadaqa to the poor and the needy
(b) lifting up the hands and praying to Allah
(c) eating with the right hand - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit with their hands.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) stealing
(b) fighting, hitting or beating someone
(c) throwing away food wastefully - Mention any one good deed that the pious perform with their feet.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) walking to the masjid or the madrasa
(b) going to help someone in need
(c) going to visit the sick in hospital or at home - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit with their feet.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) kicking someone
(b) going to commit a crime - Mention any one good deed that the pious perform with the tongue.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) reciting the Qur’an and the Hadith
(b) tasting the water of zam-zam
(c) greeting with Assalamu ‘alaykum (peace be upon you)
(d) speaking the truth - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit with the tongue.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) saying bad words
(b) spreading lies
(c) backbiting - Mention any one good deed that the pious perform with the mouth.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) eating what is halal (permitted in Islam)
(b) drinking zam-zam water
(c) speaking good words - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit with the mouth.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) eating what is haram (prohibited)
(b) eating in the month of Ramadan without any excuse while people are fasting
(c) saying bad words - Mention any one good deed that the pious perform with the ears.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) listening to one’s elders respectfully
(b) listening to sound advice
(c) listening attentively to the recitation of the Holy Qur’an
(d) hearing the adhan - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit with the ears.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) listening to gossip and someone backbiting
(b) listening to bad and filthy language - Mention any one good deed that the pious perform with the eyes.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) seeing and appreciating the beauty in Allah’s creation
(b) seeing the beauty of the Word of Allah in the Holy Qur’an - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit with the eyes.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) spying
(b) watching what is haram (prohibited) on T.V - Mention any one good deed that the pious perform in their hearts and minds.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) believing in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and in Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
(b) forgiving
(c) being kind-hearted and soft-hearted
(d) making good intentions - Mention any one bad deed that sinners commit in their hearts and minds.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned
(a) being jealous of the riches of others
(b) forming bad intentions
(c) thinking yourself to be superior to others
(d) having hatred - Mention any one good deed performed by children.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) praying salah on time
(b) fasting in the month of Ramadan
(c) reciting the Holy Qur’an and memorizing it
(d) reciting the Hadith and memorizing it
(e) taking loving care of parents and elders
(f) acquiring decent speech
(g) helping those in need - Mention any one bad deed committed by children.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) not following the Commandments of Allah
(b) not praying salah
(c) not fasting in the month of Ramadan
(d) disobeying or disrespecting parents - Mention any one good deed that can be undertaken by a country.
Any one of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) allowing freedom of worship
(b) promoting peace
(c) helping the poor and the needy - Mention any one bad deed that can be committed by a country.
Any one of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) not allowing freedom of worship
(b) being unjust and unfair to people
(c) beginning a war without any reason and killing innocent people - Mention any three ways to encourage good deeds.
Any three of the following ways can be mentioned:
(a) setting a good example for others by doing good deeds oneself
(b) teaching the Qur’an and Hadith to encourage good deeds
(c) establishing madrasas and Islamic schools
(d) avoiding bad company
(e) helping others to perform good deeds. Example: providing transport to the masjid - Mention any three ways to reduce and stop bad deeds.
Any three of the following ways can be mentioned:
(a) praying to Allah to give us guidance
(b) teaching children good habits and manners
(c) avoiding bad company and keeping good company
(d) setting a good example for other people by keeping away from bad deeds
(e) correcting others if they are doing something wrong
(f) listening to parents
(g) praying five times a day
(h) keeping fasts
(i) reciting the Qur’an regularly