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Muslim Students
Quiz 13 Seniors
- Mention any three good deeds that good pious people perform using their hands.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) giving zakah and sadaqa to the poor and the needy
(b) lifting up the hands and praying to Allah
(c) eating with the right hand
(d) cooking and cleaning for elders and for those who are unable to do so due to illness or old age
(e) writing to educate about Islam
(f) doing wudu
(g) giving someone a glass of water
(h) giving a warm handshake
(i) picking up garbage and putting it in the garbage bin
(j) removing banana peels and thorns from the pathway
(k) helping a blind person to cross the street - Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit with their hands.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) stealing
(b) fighting, hitting or beating someone
(c) killing someone
(d) throwing away food wastefully
(e) making obscene gestures
(f) carrying or holding what is prohibited, for example, the flesh of pigs or any intoxicants - Mention any three good deeds that the pious perform with their feet.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) walking to the masjid or the madrasa or to religious gatherings of Dhikr and Mawlid-un-Nabi Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
(b) going to work to earn a lawful living
(c) going to help someone in need
(d) going to visit the sick in hospital or at home
(e) running errands for elders
(f) standing up for prayers
(g) visiting pious people
(h) going for Hajj or for ‘Umra
(i) doing tawaf of the Ka’ba in Makka
(j) performing Sa’y, the running between the hills of Safa and Marwa in Makka
(k) standing up for jihad
(l) visiting graveyards to pray for the forgiveness of those who have passed away
- Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit with their feet.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) kicking someone
(b) going to commit a crime
(c) stretching the feet in the direction of the Ka’ba which is disrespectful
(d) going to a bar or a disco - Mention any three good deeds that the pious perform with the tongue.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a)reciting the Qur'an and the Hadith
(b) tasting the water of zam-zam
(c) greeting with Assalamu 'alaykum (peace be upon you)
(d) speaking the truth
(e) giving good advice
(f) doing dhikr of Allah
(g) speaking good about others to promote friendship
(h) inviting those who have newly accepted Islam to our homes so that they can easily get integrated into the Muslim community
(i) speaking up against injustice and oppression - Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit with the tongue.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) saying bad words
(b) spreading lies
(c) backbiting
(d) abusing, mocking, insulting
(e) slandering
(f) giving false testimony
(g) tasting something that is prohibited, for example, liquor - Mention any three good deeds that the pious perform with the mouth.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) eating what is halal (permitted in Islam)
(b) drinking zam-zam water
(c) rinsing the mouth and using miswak in wudu to keep the mouth clean
(d) speaking good words
(e) teaching and propagating the true religion of Islam - Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit with the mouth.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) eating what is haram (prohibited)
(b) drinking intoxicants such as wine and liquor
(c) eating in the month of Ramadan without any excuse while people are fasting
(d) saying bad words
(e) spitting in public places - Mention any three good deeds that the pious perform with the ears.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) listening to one’s elders respectfully
(b) listening to sound advice
(c) listening attentively to the recitation of the Holy Qur’an
(d) hearing the adhan
(e) listening to lectures on Islam - Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit with the ears.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) listening to gossip and someone backbiting
(b) listening to bad and filthy language
(c) listening to bad suggestions of someone who wants to create mischief
(d) listening to bad songs and profane music - Mention any three good deeds that the pious perform with the eyes.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) seeing and appreciating the beauty in Allah’s creation
(b) seeing the beauty of the Word of Allah in the Holy Qur’an
(c) seeing the beauty of the advice and lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad in his Hadith (Sayings)
(d) shedding tears of joy when we hear all the good things about Muslims and about their achievements
(e) weeping for Muslim martyrs
(f) lowering one’s gaze in the presence of the opposite sex - Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit with the eyes.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) spying
(b) seeing haram (prohibited) acts being performed
(c) watching what is haram (prohibited) on T.V
(d) staring indecently at the opposite sex
(e) looking at nudity and pornography - Mention any three good deeds that the pious perform in their hearts and minds.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) believing in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and in Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
(b) forgiving
(c) being kind-hearted and soft-hearted
(d) feeling sorrow for others
(e) having good thoughts about others and about their well-being
(f) making good intentions
(g) doing dhikr of Allah in the heart at all times - Mention any three bad deeds that sinners commit in their hearts and minds.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned
(a) being jealous of the riches of others
(b) forming bad intentions
(c) thinking yourself to be superior to others
(d) being hard-hearted and cruel-hearted
(e) having hatred
(f) having bad thoughts about others - Mention any three good deeds performed by children.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) praying salah on time
(b) fasting in the month of Ramadan
(c) reciting the Holy Qur’an and memorizing it
(d) reciting the Hadith and memorizing it
(e) taking loving care of parents and elders
(f) being interested in learning about Islam
(g) acquiring decent speech
(h) avoiding bad company
(i) helping those in need
(j) praying for parents
(k) trying at all times to live as a good Muslim - Mention any three bad deeds committed by children.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) not following the Commandments of Allah
(b) not praying salah
(c) not fasting in the month of Ramadan
(d) disobeying or disrespecting parents
(e) spoiling the name of the parents and of the family by doing bad things
(f) bullying and hurting others
(g) drinking
(h) smoking
(i) joining gangs
(j) taking drugs - Mention any three good deeds that can be undertaken by a country.
Any three of the following good deeds can be mentioned:
(a) allowing freedom of worship
(b) promoting peace
(c) housing and educating the street children
(d) helping the poor and the needy
(e) being free from corruption
(f) helping a neighbouring country when there is a natural disaster
(g) helping the poorer countries
(h) building masjids and madrasas
(i) helping to resolve conflicts among countries - Mention any three bad deeds that can be committed by a country.
Any three of the following bad deeds can be mentioned:
(a) not allowing freedom of worship
(b) being unjust and unfair to people
(c) beginning a war without any reason and killing innocent people
(d) jailing without trial
(e) allowing the production of drugs and intoxicants
(f) allowing the export and the import of what is haram (prohibited in Islam)
(g) allowing strip clubs and nudity - Mention any five ways to encourage good deeds.
Any five of the following ways can be mentioned:
(a) setting a good example for others by doing good deeds oneself
(b) teaching the Qur’an and Hadith to encourage good deeds
(c) establishing madrasas and Islamic schools
(d) avoiding bad company
(e) being friendly, polite and respectful so that others listen to you if you give advice
(f) producing and distributing Islamic books and literature
(g) holding Islamic functions, talks and sermons
(h) teaching the people about the rewards here on earth as well as in heaven of doing good deeds
(i) thanking and rewarding people for their good deeds
(j) helping others to perform good deeds. Example: providing transport to the masjid - Mention any five ways to reduce and stop bad deeds.
Any five of the following ways can be mentioned:
(a) praying to Allah to give us guidance
(b) teaching children good habits and manners
© avoiding bad company and keeping good company
(d) educating the people about Islam
(e) setting a good example for other people by keeping away from bad deeds
(f) doing good deeds so as to keep away from bad deeds
(g) correcting others if they are doing something wrong
(h) listening to parents
(i) respecting the rights of others
(j) becoming involved in works of charity
(k) associating with a shaykh
(l) being constantly in a state of wudu by renewing it whenever it is broken
(m) praying five times a day
(n) keeping fasts
(o) reciting the Qur’an regularly
(p) being in a state of dhikr (remembrance of Allah)
(q) giving talks and sermons
(r) thinking of the consequences of the bad deeds for yourself and others
(s) teaching and learning about the punishments here on earth as well as in hell for performing bad deeds
(t) having Islamic laws that prohibit bad deeds and impose punishments for bad deeds as given in the Qur’an and the Hadith
(u) developing the will-power to avoid evil