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Muslim Students
Quiz 15 Juniors
- According to a Hadīth, how many Asmā u’l Husnā (Most Beautiful Names of Allāh) should Muslims know about?
99 Asmā’ u’l Husnā’ - What is the meaning of Anta’l Hādī Anta’l Haqq?
You are the Guide, You are The Truth (O Allāh) - Whom does it refer to?
Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā - What is meant by “kun fayakūn”?
Allāh says: “Be!” and it is - What is the plural of Nabī?
The plural of Nabī is Anbiyā - What is the plural of Rasūl?
The plural of Rasūl is Mursalīn or Rusul - Which Prophet, peace be upon him, is called Abu’l ins?
Prophet Ādam ‘alayhissalām - What is the meaning of the title Abu’l ins?
Father of mankind - Which insect has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān in the story of Nabī Sulaymān, peace be upon him?
The ant - What is meant by Asadullāh?
The Lion of Allāh - Name any one Companion of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam who received this title.
Sayyidinā ‘Alī Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu, and also
Sayyidinā Hamza Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu - Who is an ‘ālim?
A Muslim scholar is called an ‘ālim - Who is an ‘ābid?
A worshipper of Allāh is called an ‘ābid - What is the meaning of ‘Abd u’r Rahmān?
Servant of the Merciful One - What is a Muslim judge called?
A Muslim judge is called a Qādī - Name any one tribe mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān.
Well-known tribes that have been mentioned in the Qur’ān are:
The Quraysh,
The Banī Isrāīl - ‘Ajwa is an excellent quality of dates that can be used as a medicine. Which city does it originate from?
Madīna al-Munawwarah - What is meant by al-Ākhira?
The Hereafter is referred to as al-Ākhira - What will happen in al-Ākhira?
In the Hereafter, the good and bad deeds of people will be judged and they will either be sent to Paradise or to Hell - When will the pious get to drink from the Hawd (Pond) of Rasūlullāh, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam?
On the Day of Judgement