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Muslim Students
Quiz 16 Juniors
1. What is meant by Dhikr of AllÄh?
Dhikr of AllÄh means the remembrance of AllÄh SubhÄnahÅ« wa Ta‘ÄlÄ
2. Which is the best Dhikr?
The best Dhikr is:
LÄ ilÄha IllallÄh
Muhammad u’r RasÅ«lullÄh
3. Write its meaning.
None is to be worshipped but AllÄh
Muhammad is the Messenger of AllÄh
4. The one who does Dhikr is called?
The one who does Dhikr is called DhÄkir
5.Whose guests are those who go for Hajj?
Those who go for Hajj are the guests of AllÄh SubhÄnahÅ« wa Ta‘ÄlÄ
6. What is BaytullÄh?
BaytullÄh is the House of AllÄh, the Ka‘ba
7. In which city is BaytullÄh situated?
8. In which city is the well of zamzam situated?
9. In which city is Masjid an-Nabawī situated?
Masjid an-Nabawī is in Madīna
10. In which city is Bayt u’l Maqdis situated?
Bayt u’l Maqdis is in Jerusalem
11. Name any five Prophets of AllÄh.
Prophet Muhammad, Prophet IbrÄhÄ«m, Prophet MÅ«sÄ, Prophet ‘ĪsÄ, and Prophet NÅ«h, peace be upon them
12. What is the meaning of Dhu’n NÅ«rayn?
Dhu’n NÅ«rayn means the Possessor of the two lights
13. Who received this title?
SayyidinÄ ‘UthmÄn ibn ‘AffÄn Rady AllÄhu ‘Anhu received this title
14. Why did he receive this title?
Because he married two daughters of Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. First, he married SayyidatinÄ Ruqayya Rady AllÄhu ‘AnhÄ, and when she passed away, he married SayyidatinÄ Umm KulthÅ«m Rady AllÄhu ‘AnhÄ
15. How was Hadrat ‘AbbÄs Rady AllÄhu ‘Anhu related to Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam?
Hadrat ‘AbbÄs Rady AllÄhu ‘Anhu is the uncle of Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
16. What is meant by du’Ä?
Du‘Ä means supplication to AllÄh SubhÄnahÅ« wa Ta‘ÄlÄ
17. Which SÅ«rah in the Qur’Än is the greatest du’Ä
SÅ«rah al-FÄtiha is the greatest du‘Ä
18. When is du’Ä khatm u’l Qur’Än recited?
Du‘Ä khatm u’l Qur’Än is recited after the complete recitation of the whole Qur’Än
19. What is the meaning of Bashīr?
Bashīr means the Bearer of Good News
20. Which Prophet has been called BashÄ«r in the Qur’Än?
Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam has been named BashÄ«r in the Qur’Än