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Muslim Students
Quiz 16 Seniors
1. Who pledged allegiance to Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam at the bay’ah al-’Aqaba?
Twelve people from MadÄ«na. They accepted IslÄm and became the first AnsÄr (Helpers) from MadÄ«na
2. What is the historical significance of DÄr u’l Arqam?
DÄr u’l Arqam is the house of SayyidinÄ al-Arqam Rady AllÄhu ‘Anhu in Makka. At the very beginning of his mission, Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam used to meet with his Companions who were the first to accept IslÄm at DÄr u’l Arqam to teach them the basics of IslÄm
3. In which month and in which year of the Hijra did the Battle of Badr take place?
The Battle of Badr took place in the month of RamadÄn, 2 H, 624 C.E
4. What was the name of the sword of Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam?
Dhu’l FiqÄr
5. What is meant by Bayt u’l ‘AtÄ«q?
Bayt u’l ‘AtÄ«q means the Ancient House
6. What does it refer to?
The Holy Ka‘ba in Makka
7. What is the meaning of BÄb u’n NabÄ«?
BÄb u’n NabÄ« is the Door of the Prophet
8. Where is BÄb u’n NabÄ«?
BÄb u’n NabÄ« is one of the gates in the Sacred Grand Masjid in Makka
9. What is BÄb u’r RayyÄn?
BÄb u’r RayyÄn is the name of one of the doors of Paradise through which those Muslims who observed fasting in the month of RamadÄn will enter
10. What is barzakh?
Barzakh is the intermediate world which includes the life in the grave between death and resurrection
11. What is the name of the famous cemetery in Makka?
al-Ma‘lÄh, also known as Jannatu’l Ma‘lÄh
12. What is the name of the famous cemetery in Madīna?
al-BaqÄ«‘, also known as Jannatu’l BaqÄ«‘
13. What is the meaning of DÄr u’s SalÄm?
DÄr u’s SalÄm means the Abode of Peace
14. What does it refer to?
15. What is meant by BÄrakAllÄh?
BÄrakAllÄh means may AllÄh’s blessings be on you
16. When do we say BÄrakAllÄh?
We say BÄrakAllÄh when we are thanking someone or showing our gratitude
17. Who was the queen who lived in the time of NabÄ« SulaymÄn ‘alayhissalÄm?
The Queen of SabÄ (Shiba) whose name was BilqÄ«s
18. What is meant by birr u’l wÄlidayn?
Birr u’l wÄlidayn means being good to parents
19. In which month and date is the Day of ‘Arafa?
The Day of ‘Arafa is on the 9th of Dhu’l Hijja
20. What is the importance of the Day of ‘Arafa?
On the Day of ‘Arafa, all the Muslims who have gone for Hajj gather on the plain of ‘Arafa to perform one of the rites of Hajj. AllÄh SubhÄnahÅ« wa Ta‘ÄlÄ forgives more Muslims on the Day of ‘Arafa than on any other day. It is the day of optional fasting according to the Sunnah (tradition) of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad SallallÄhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam