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Muslim Students
Quiz 18 Seniors with answers
- What is Hadīth an-Nabawī?
Hadīth an-Nabawī is a Saying of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
- What is Hadīth al-Qudsī?
Hadīth al-Qudsī is a Sacred Saying in which Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam conveys in his own words what Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā said. Hadīth al-Qudsī is not part of the Qur’ān, as the Qur’ān is exclusively the Word of Allah.
- What is Hajj al-Ifrād?
In Hajj al-Ifrād, only Hajj is performed without performing ‘Umrah at the same time.
- What is Hajj at-Tamattu‘?
In Hajj at-Tamattu‘, ‘Umrah is performed before the Hajj with a separate state of ihrām for both Hajj and ‘Umrah.
- What is Hajj al-Qirān?
In Hajj al-Qirān, ‘Umrah is performed with Hajj in the same state of ihrām.
- What is al-Hamziyya?
Al-Hamziyya is a religious poem in which all the verses end and rhyme with the letter Hamza.
- Explain the meaning of al-Haramayn?
Al-Haramayn refers to the two sacred masjidayn, that is Masjid al-Harām in the vicinity of the Ka‘ba in Makka and Masjid an-Nabawī in Madīna.
- Jealousy is forbidden except in two instances. What are these two instances?
Jealousy is forbidden except to be jealous of a person for his learning or for his charity, wishing to be charitable like him.
- What is meant by hasanāt?
Hasanāt means good deeds.
- Give three examples of hasanāt.
Some examples of hasanāt are:(a) being good to your neighbours
(b) learning and teaching the Qur’ān
(c) respecting elders
(d) saying Takbīr (Allāhu Akbar: Allāh is Supremely Great)
(e) feeding the poor
(f) reciting the Holy Qur’ān
(g) removing thorns and rubbish from the road
(h) going for jihād against blood-thirsty invaders
- Who is a Hanafī? Who is a Shāfi‘ī? Who is a Mālikī? Who is a Hanbalī?
A Hanafī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Abū Hanīfa.A Shāfi‘ī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Shāfi‘ī.
A Mālikī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Mālik.
A Hanbalī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, may Allāh have mercy on all of them.
- What is meant by hadath al-asgahr?
Hadath al-asghar is a minor ritual impurity, as a result, for example, of passing wind, or going to the washroom
- If you are in a state of hadath al-asghar, what do you have to do if you wish to pray?
Do Wudū’ (ablution).
- What is meant by hadath al-akbar?
Hadath al-akbar is a major ritual impurity arising, for example, from sexual intercourse or a seminal emission or menstruation
- If you are in a state of hadath al-akbar, what do you have to do if you wish to pray?
Make ghusl which is a purifying bath
- What is the meaning of: Hasbunallāhu wa Ni‘mal Wakīl?
Hasbunallāhu wa Ni‘mal Wakīl means that “Allāh is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Guardian”
- Translate Hasbiyallāh and Hasbunallāh to bring out the difference between these two invocations.
Hasbiyallāh means that “Allāh is Sufficient for me” and Hasbunallāh means that “Allāh is Sufficient for us”
- Imām al-Ghazālī Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh is called hujjat al-Islām. What does it mean?
Hujjat al-Islām means the Proof of Islām.
- What is meant by husn al-adab?
Husn al-adab means good behaviour and proper conduct.
- What is meant by husn az-zann?
Husn az-zann means having good thoughts about others.