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Muslim Students
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
By: Syed Yasin Ali
The Family of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is known as the Ahl al-Bayt. The members of the Ahl al-Bayt are Sayyidatina Fatima, Sayyidna Ali, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (peace be upon them).
The wives of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) are also included among the Family of the Prophet, as Allah Ta`ala mentions them in the Holy Qur’an,
Allah only wishes to remove impurity from you, O members of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification. (Surah al-Ahzaab, 33:33)
The scholars agree that this ayah (verse) refers to the Ummahat al-Mu’mineen (the Mothers of the Believers), who are the honourable wives of the beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
There is a Hadith where the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) embraces Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidatina Fatima, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain and says, “This is my Family”. While he was hugging his Family, Hadrat Jibreel (‘Alayhissalam) was looking and wished to be a part of the Prophet’s Family. Thereupon, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) embraced Hadrat Jibreel and told him that he was also a part of his Family.
The following are some of the other Hadith about the Ahl al-Bayt:
Hadrat Zaid bin Arqam (Rady Allahu Anhu) reported Allah’s Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) as saying, “I am leaving among you something of such a nature that if you lay hold of it you will not go astray after I am gone, one part of it being more important than the other: Allah’s Book, a rope stretched from heaven to earth, and my close relatives who belong to my Household. These two will not separate from one another till they come down to the Pond, so consider how you would act regarding them after my departure.” (Tirmidhi)
Hadrat Abu Dharr (Rady Allahu Anhu) while holding the door of the Ka‘ba, said that he had heard the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) say, “My Family among you are like Noah’s ark. He who sails on it will be safe, but he who holds back from it will perish.” (Ahmad)
Hadrat Zaid bin Arqam (Rady Allahu Anhu) said that Allah’s Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said of Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidah Fatima, Sayyidina al-Hasan and Sayyidina al-Husain (Rady Allahu Anhum). “I am at war against him who makes war on them and at peace with him who makes peace with them.” (Tirmidhi)
Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu)
Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) was the fourth Khalifah after Sayyidina Uthman (Rady Allahu Anhu). He was the cousin and son-in-law of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He accepted Islam at the age of 11. His birth took place inside the Ka‘ba and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes, was the beautiful face of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said that he is “the city of knowledge” and Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) is “the gate of knowledge”.
Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) and Sayyidatina Fatima’s (Rady Allahu Anha) famous sons were Iman Hasan (Rady Allahu Anhu) and Imam Husain (Rady Allahu Anhu).
Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) was very brave and he was ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala. Therefore he received the title of ‘Asadullah’ meaning “the Lion of Allah.” Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) helped the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) by sleeping in his bed when the non-believers wanted to kill the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) was a Hafiz al-Qur’an. He was very pious. Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) took part in many battles. He was praying in a Masjid when a member of the Kharijite sect killed him. The man put poison on the sword before stabbing Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu). It was decided to remove the sword from his body while he was praying salah because they knew he would not feel the pain in salah as his whole concentration would be in it. He was laid to rest in Najaf, Iraq.
Sayyidatina Fatima (Rady Allahu Anha)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said: “Fatima is the leader of the women in Paradise.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Sayyidatina Fatima (Rady Allahu Anha) was the youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). She was a pious and a charitable lady. She was the wife of Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu). She is known as Fatima az-Zahra. She was so pious that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to stand up and greet her.
Sayyidatina Fatima (Rady Allahu Anha) was the first person to pass away after the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). One day, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) whispered something into Sayyidatina Fatima’s ear, upon which she started crying. Later he whispered something else, upon which she turned happy. When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) passed away, Sayyidatina Aisha (Rady Allahu Anha) asked her about the secret that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had whispered into her ear. Sayyidatina Fatima said that the Holy Prophet had told her that he will soon pass away upon which she started crying. Later, he told her that she was going to join him soon, upon which she turned happy. Sayyidatina Fatima (Rady Allahu Anha) passed away in Madinah. She was laid to rest in Jannat ul-Baqi‘.
Imam Hasan (Rady Allahu Anhu) and Imam Husain (Rady Allahu Anhu)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said that Hasan and Husain are my two basils in this world. (Sahih al-Bukhari)
He used to carry Imam Hasan (Rady Allahu Anhu) on his shoulder and he prayed to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala), “I love him, so please love him.” Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq (Rady Allahu Anhu) used to say that Imam Hasan (Rady Allahu Anhu) very closely resembled the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) knew that his grandsons were going to become martyrs. One day, Hadrat Jibreel (‘Alayhissalam) brought two dresses from Jannah for the Prophet’s grandsons. Imam Hasan (Rady Allahu Anhu) chose the green dress and Imam Husain (Rady Allahu Anhu) chose the red one. The green colour stood for poison while the red colour was for blood.
Imam Husain (Rady Allahu Anhu) has been given the title of “Sayyid ash-Shuhada” meaning “the Leader of Martyrs” for the courage he displayed against Yazid’s army in the battle of Karbala.
The Ahl al-Bayt were very generous and charitable. There was an incident where Imam Hasan (Rady Allahu Anhu) and Imam Husain (Rady Allahu Anhu) fell seriously ill. Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) and Sayyidatina Fatima (Rady Allahu Anha) vowed that they would fast for three days after the recovery of their sons. Soon, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain recovered and the family started observing fasts. When the first day’s fast was completed and they were about to break their fast, a beggar reached their house and asked them for some food. They gave away all the food they had to the beggar. When the time came for the second day’s fast to be broken, an orphan begged them for food and they gave away all the food. When the time came for the third day’s fast to be broken, a prisoner came to them and asked them for food and they gave away everything.
The fourth day they were not fasting but they had nothing to eat. Sayyidina Ali (Rady Allahu Anhu) took Imam Hasan and Imam Husain, to see the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). After looking at his grandsons, the Holy Prophet then visited Sayyidatina Fatima (Rady Allahu Anha). Her eyes were sunk in, and she had become weak. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) embraced her and invoked Allah’s mercy on her.
Hadrat Jibreel (‘Alayhissalam) came and said that Allah Ta‘ala was pleased with them.
This verse of the Holy Qur’an was revealed in their honour:
And they give food out of love for Him, to the poor and the orphan and the prisioner. (Surah Ad-Dahr: Verse 8).
It is the duty of Muslims to love and respect the Family of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) because the Holy Prophet has said in a Hadith, “When I am loved, then my family members whom I love, should also be loved.” (Tirmidhi)
1). Sahih Al-al-Bukhari , Volume 5
2). Learning About Islam through teamwork in Madrasa al-Hidaya, Toronto, Volume 3
Rajab 1420, November 1999