Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
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Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam



may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him

As-Salātu Ibrāhimiyya
(Durūd Ibrāhīm)
Supplication to Allāh to bestow His Blessing and Peace on Prophet Muhammad and on Prophet Ibrāhīm, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon them
As-Salawāt u’l Akbar
(Durūd Akbar)
The Most Great Blessings of Allāh on Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt u’l A
(Durūd Alā)
The Most Highly-Placed Blessing
As-Salawāt u’l Alawiyya The Invocation of Blessings of the Alawiyyīn, supplicating to Allāh to bestow His Blessings and Peace on Sayyidinā Muhammad al-Mustafā, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt u’l Alfiyya
(Durūd Hazāra)
The Blessing of a thousand times
As-Salāt u’l Ālī
(Durūd Ālī)
The Exalted Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Āli’l Qadr
The Blessing on the one who has been raised to the Highest Degree
As-Salāt u’l Anwār
(Durūd Anwār)
The Blessing of the Lights
As-Salāt u’l Arūs The Blessing of the Bridegroom
As-Salāt u’l Awwaliyya
(Durūd Awwal)
The First Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Azīma The Great Blessing
As-Salawāt u’l Chishtiyya
(Durūd Chishtiyya)
The Invocation of Blessings by those in the Chishtiyya tarīqa
As-Salāt u’d Dāima
(Durūd Dāim)
The Everlasting Blessing
As-Salāt u’d Dawāmiyya
(Durūd Dawāmī)
The Everlasting Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Fādilah The Eminent Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Faraj The Invocation of Blessing on Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam together with a supplication to Allāh to bestow relief on Muslims
As-Salāt u’l Fath The Blessing of Victory
As-Salāt u’l Fātih The Blessing on Prophet Muhammad who is the Opener who opens the doors of mercy
As-Salāt u’l Ghawthiyya
(Durūd Ghawthiyya)
The Invocation of Blessing by the Spiritual Helper, Shaykh Abdul Qādir al-Jīlānī
As-Salāt u’l Haqq The True Blessing
As-Salawāt u’l hurūfiyya The Blessings in alphabetical order
As-Salāt u’l hurūf u’l muqattaāt The Blessing with specific letters with which some of the sūrahs of the Qur’ān begin. These are: alif, hā’, rā, sīn, sād, tā, ayn, qāf, kāf, lām, mīm, nūn, hā, and yā’
As-Salātu Iksīr i’l A’zam
(Durūd Iksīr A’zam)
The Blessing that is a Mighty Elixir
As-Salāt u’l Inām The Blessing of the Special Reward from Allāh, The Glorified and the Exalted
As-Salāt u’l Inqādh The Blessing of salvation
As-Salat u'l Istighfâr The Invocation of Blessing on Prophet Muhammad Sallallâhu 'alayhi wa Sallam together with a supplication to Allâh for forgiveness
As-Salawāt u’l Istighāthiyya
(Durūd Istighāth)
The Blessings that call for help
As-Salāt u’l Jamāl
(Durūd Jamāl)
The Beautiful Blessing
As-Salawāt u’l Jāmiah The Comprehensively Total Blessings
As-Salāt Jawharat u’l Kamāl The Blessing that shines like Perfect Jewels
As-Salāt Jazallāh
(Durūd Jazallāh)
The Blessing of Reward from Allāh for Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt u’l Kamāliyya The Perfect Blessing
As-Salawātu Kanz i’l Asrār The Blessings that are a Treasure of Spiritual Mysteries
As-Salāt u’l Kanz i’l A’zam The Blessing that is the Greatest Treasure
As-Salāt u’l Kawthariyya
(Durūd Kawthar)
The Blessing of The Great Abundance that Allāh gave to Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt u’l Khāss
(Durūd Khass)
The Special Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Khidriyya
(Durūd Khidrī)
The Invocation of Blessing by Sayyidinā Khidr alayhissalām
As-Salāt u’l Kibrīt i’l Ahmar The Blessing that is as rare as Red Sulphur
As-Salāt u’l Kubrā The Great Blessing
As-Salawāt u’l Mash-hūra The Famous Blessings
As-Salawāt u’l Ma’thūra
(Durūd Ma’thūra)
The Blessings taught by Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salātu miatu alfiyya
(Durūd Lakhkhī)
The Blessing of a hundred thousand times
As-Salāt Misbāh uz-zulām The Blessing of Light in darkness
As-Salāt u’l Mudariyya The Blessing on Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam, the descendant of Mudar
As-Salāt u’l Muhammadiyya
(Durūd Muhammadī)
The Blessing on Sayyidinā Muhammad, “The Praised One”, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt u’l Muhammadiyya adh-Dhātiyya The Blessing on the personality of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salawāt u’l Mukarramah
(Durūd Mukarram)
The Honoured Blessings
As-Salāt u’l Munjiya
(Durūd Tunjīnā)
The Blessing of Deliverance from calamities
As-Salāt u’l Muqaddas
(Durūd Muqaddas)
The Sanctified Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Muqarrab
(Durūd Muqarrab)
The Blessing that is a supplication to Allāh to give Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam a seat near Him on the Day of Judgement
As-Salāt u’l Murād The Invocation of Blessing intended as a supplication to Allāh to fulfil one’s intentions
As-Salawāt u’l Mustaghāthah
(Durūd Mustaghāth)
The Blessings that bring help
As-Salawāt u’n Naqshbandiyya
(Durūd Naqshbandiyya)
The Invocation of Blessings by those in the Naqshbandiyya tarīqa
As-Salātu Nūriyya
(Durūd Nūr)
The Blessing on the one who is the Light of lights
As-Salāt u’n Nūr u’dh-dhātī The Blessing of the Luminous Personality
As-Salāt u’n Nūr u’l Qiyāma The Blessing that will be a Light on the Day of Judgement
As-Salawāt u’l Qādiriyya
(Durūd Qādiriyya)
The Invocation of Blessings by those in the Qādiriyya tarīqa
As-Salāt u’l Qā’ima The Firmly Established Blessing
As-Salāt u’l Qalbiyya
(Durūd Qalbī)
The Blessing on the one who is the joy of our hearts
As-Salātu Qur’āniyya
(Durūd Qur’ānī)
The Invocation of Blessings on Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam equal to the number of letters in the Qur’ān
As-Salāt u’l Qutbiyya The Invocation of Blessing by the qutb, the Walī who is the Spiritual axis
As-Salāt u’r Raūf u’r Rahīm The Invocation of Blessing on Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam, the one who is Most Kind and Merciful
As-Salāt u’r Rūhiyya
(Durūd Rūhī)
The Invocation of Blessing on the soul of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt u’s Saāda The Blessing of Happiness and Bliss
As-Salāt u’s-Sadaqah The Charitable Blessing, as meritorious as giving in charity
Salawāt us-Safā Blessings of Purity
Salawāt u’s Sanā’ Shining Blessings
As-Salāt u’sh Sharīfah The Noble Blessing
As-Salāt u’sh Shifā’
(Durūd Shifā’)
The Blessing of Healing
As-Salāt u’t Tafrījiyya The Blessing of Relief from calamities
As-Salāt u’t Tājiyya
(Durūd Tāj)
The Blessing on the one who was crowned on Mirāj (heavenly ascension)
As-Salāt u’t Tāmmah The Complete Blessing
Salāt Tasbīhāt Blessing on Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam, together with the Glorification of Allāh, The Glorified and The Exalted
As-Salāt u’t Tayyiba
(Durūd Tayyib)
The Pleasant Blessing
As-Salāt u’t Tibbiyya The Medicinal Blessing for the healing of body and heart
As-Salātu Uli’l Azm The Blessing on the Five Greatest Prophets who possessed perseverance, that is, Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Nūh, Prophet Ibrāhīm, Prophet Mūsā, and Prophet Īsā, may Allāh’s Blessings and Peace be upon them
As-Salāt u’l uz The Exalted Blessing
Salāt u’l Walī
(Durūd Walī)
Blessing of the Patron
As-Salāt u’l Yāqūtiyya The Blessing that shines like rubies
As-Salawāt u’z Zahra The Blessings of the Blossoming Flower
As-Salāt alā Khayri’l anām The Blessing on the Best of mankind
As-Salawāt alā Khayri’l bariyya The Blessings on the Best of creation
As-Salāt wa’s Salām ala’n Nabiyyi’l Mukhtār Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam The Blessing and Peace on the Chosen Prophet, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salāt alā Sāhib i’l mujizāt Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam The Blessing on the one who performed miracles
As-Salāt alā Sayyid i’l kawnayn Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam The Blessing on the most noble in this world and in the Hereafter
As-Salāt wa’s Salām alā Sayyidina’r Rasūl Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam The Blessing and Peace on the Master of all the Prophetic Messengers of Allāh
As-Salawāt alā Sayyid i’s Sādāt The Blessings on the Master of all the Nobles
Salawāt bi’l adad Countable Blessings
Salawāt bilā adad Uncountable Blessings
As-Salawāt fi’l ad iya The Invocations of Blessings on Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam in supplications to Allāh Wahdahū lā sharīka lahū
As-Salawāt fi’l Hadīth The Invocation of Blessings on Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam that are to be found in his Sayings
As-Salawāt fī Hubb i’r Rasūl Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam The Blessings for the love of the Prophetic Messenger of Allāh
As-Salawāt fi’l manzūmāt wa’l madā’ih The Blessings in instructive poems and in eulogies on Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salawāt wa’s-Salām inda Ziyārati’n Nabī alayhissalām The Invocation of Blessings and Peace when visiting Prophet Muhammad, may Allāh’s blessings and peace be upon him, in Madīna
As-Salātu li hal li’l mushkilāt
(Durūd hal al-mushkilāt)
The Supplication to Allāh to remove difficulties together with Blessing on Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salawāt li ru’yati Sayyidina’r Rasūl yaqazatan wa manāman Blessings whose recitation leads one to see Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam in a waking vision or in a dream
As-Salawāt ma Asmā’ Allāh The Blessings together with the Most Beautiful Names of Allāh Jalla Jalāluh
As-Salawāt ma Asmā’ u’n Nabī Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam The Blessings together with the Attributive Names of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam
As-Salawāt li Ahl al-Bayt wa’s-Sahāba The Invocation of Blessings by the Blessed Household of Prophet Muhammad, and by His Noble Companions, Rady Allāhu Anhum
As-Salawāt li’sh-Shuhadā wa’s-Sālihīn The Invocation of Blessings by the martyrs and the good people, Rahmatullāhi alayh
As-Salawāt li’l Awliyā wa’s-Sālihīn The Invocation of Blessings by the saints and the good people, Rahmatullāhi alayh
As-Salawāt li Sayyidinā Alī Zayn al-Ābidīn ibn Husayn ibn Alī The Invocation of Blessings by Sayyidinā Alī Zayn al-Ābidīn ibn Husayn ibn Alī
As-Salāt li’sh Shaykh i’l Islām Abī Bakr bin Sālim al-Alawī The Blessing by the Shaykh of Islām Abū Bakr bin Sālim al-Alawī
As-Salawāt li’l Habīb Ibrāhīm bin Umar bin Aqīl The Blessings by al-Habīb Ibrāhīm bin Umar bin Aqīl
As-Salawāt li’sh Shaykh Muhyuddīn ibn al-Arabī The Blessings by Shaykh Muhyuddīn ibn al-Arabī
As-Salawāt li’l Imām AbdAllāh bin Alawī bin Hasan al-Attās The Blessings by Imām AbdAllāh bin Alawī bin Hasan al-Attās
As-Salāt li’l Habīb Alī bin Hasan al-Attās The Blessing by al-Habīb Alī bin Hasan al-Attās
As-Salawāt li’sh Shaykh Abdul Jalīl bin Azūm The Blessings by Shaykh Abdul Jalīl bin Azūm
As-Salāt li’sh Shaykh AbdAllāh bin Umar Bā Alawī The Blessing by Shaykh AbdAllāh bin Umar Bā Alawī
As-Salawāt li’sh Shaykh Hasan Shaddād bin Umar Bā Umar The Blessings by Shaykh Hasan Shaddād bin Umar Bā Umar
As-Salāt li Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawī The Blessing by Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawī
As-Salawāt li Mawlānā Khālid al-Baghdādī The Blessings by Mawlānā Khālid al-Baghdādī
As-Salāt li’sh Shaykh Hasan al-Bas The Blessing by Shaykh Hasan al-Bas
As-Salawāt li Mawlānā Ilyās Burnī The Blessings by Mawlānā Ilyās Burney
As-Salawāt li’sh Shaykh Abdu’r Rahmān Chohrawī The Blessings by Shaykh Abdu’r Rahmān Chohrawī
As-Salawāt li’l Imām ad-Dardīr The Blessings by Imām ad-Dardīr
As-Salāt li’sh Shaykh Ibrāhīm ad-Dusūqī The Blessing by Shaykh Ibrāhīm ad-Dusūqī
As-Salawāt li’l Imām al-Ghazālī The Blessings by Imām al-Ghazālī
As-Salāt li’s Sultān Mahmūd al-Ghaznawī The Blessing by Sultān Mahmūd al-Ghaznawī
As-Salāt li’l Habīb Ahmad bin Zayn al-Habshī The Blessing by al-Habīb Ahmad bin Zayn al-Habshī
As-Salawāt li’l Habīb Muhammad bin Aydarūs al-Habshī The Blessings by al-Habīb Muhammad bin Aydarūs al-Habshī
Salawāt li’l Habīb Alī bin Muhammad al-Habshī Blessings by al-Habīb Alī bin Muhammad al-Habshī
Salawāt li’l Imām Abdallāh bin Alawī al-Haddād Blessings by Imām Abdallāh bin Alawī al-Haddād
Salawāt li’l Habīb Ahmad Mash-hūr bin Tāhā al-Haddād Blessings by al-Habīb Ahmad Mash-hūr bin Tāhā al-Haddād
As-Salawāt li’l Habīb Ahmad bin Muhsin al-Hadār The Blessings by al-Habīb Ahmad bin Muhsin al-Hadār
As-Salāt li’sh Shaykh Ahmad bin Idrīs The Blessing by Shaykh Ahmad bin Idrīs
As-Salawāt li’l Imām Muhammad bin Sulaymān al-Jazūlī The Blessings by Imām Muhammad bin Sulaymān al-Jazūlī
As-Salawāt li’l Ghawth i’l A’zam Shaykh Abdul Qādir al-Jīlānī The Blessings by the Great Spiritual Helper, Shaykh Abdul Qādir al-Jīlānī
As-Salāt li’l Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān
(Durūd Ridwiyyah)
The Blessing by Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān
As-Salāt li’sh Shaykh Abdu’s Salām bin Mashīsh The Blessing by Shaykh Abdu’s Salām bin Mashīsh (known as As-Salāt u’l Mashīshiyya)
As-Salawāt li’l Imām Yūsuf ibn Ismāīl an-Nabhānī The Blessings by Imām Yūsuf ibn Ismāīl an-Nabhānī
As-Salāt li’l Imām an-Nawawī The Blessing by Imām an-Nawawī
As-Salawāt li’sh Shaykh Mullā Alī al-Qārī The Blessings by Shaykh Mullā Alī al-Qārī
As-Salawāt li’sh Shaykh Ahmad ar-Rifāī The Blessings by Shaykh Ahmad ar-Rifāī
As-Salāt li’l Imām Abdallāh as-Saqqāf The Blessing by Imām Abdallāh as-Saqqāf
As-Salawāt li’l Imām Abu’l Hasan ash-Shādhilī The Blessings by Imām Abu’l Hasan ash-Shādhilī
As-Salāt li’l Imām ash-Shāfiī The Blessing by Imām ash-Shāfiī
As-Salāt li-Sayyid AbdAllāh bin Asad al-Yāfiī al-Yamanī The Blessing by Sayyid AbdAllāh bin Asad al-Yāfiī al-Yamanī
As-Salāt li Sayyid Murtadā az-Zabīdī The Blessing by Sayyid Murtadā az-Zabīdī

Allāhumma Salli wa Sallim wa Bārik alayh
May Allāh’s Blessings, Peace and Benedictions be upon him.

Siddîq Osmân Noormuhammad
Toronto, Canada


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