Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Iqra Islamic Publications
Welcome to Islam
Accept Islam for your salvation
Live according to Islam for your spiritual progress


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds and may Allah perpetually shower His peace and blessings on Sayyidina Muhammad, His last chosen Prophet. Aameen.

O Allah, open the hearts of all non-Muslims across the world to the truth and the beauty of Islam so that they achieve everlasting bliss and salvation, Aameen.

O Allah, open the hearts of their descendants to Islam till the end of time and give them all the true tenets of belief in Islam. Aameen.

O Allah, guide all the Muslims and their descendants till the end of time to hold firmly to the true tenets of belief in Islam and shower Your Good Pleasure on them all. Aameen.

O Allah, open the hearts of non-Muslims to Islam so that they also feel
*the joy of listening to the melodious recitation of the adhan,
*the joy of listening to the melodious recitation of the Holy Qur’an,
*the joy of fasting in the month of Ramadan,
*the joy of performing the Hajj Pilgrimage with more than a million Muslims,
*the joy of doing Zikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) in congregation,
*the joy of participating in gatherings of Mawlid un-Nabi (the celebration of the Birth of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace),
*the joy of being in the company of the AwliyaAllah (Friends of Allah, sufi saints),
and many other joys that are unique to Islam.

O Allah, may the enemies of Islam learn that killing Muslims is not a solution because if they kill one Bilal, a hundred more Bilals will be born. Let them learn from history that the Tartars could sack Baghdad but they could never kill the faith, hope and love of Muslims; that within three generations, the Tartars became Muslims and spread Islam to other countries, and since then Islam has spread more and more all over the world and will continue to do so InshaAllah till the end of time. O Allah, the greatest treasures Muslims possess even as of to-day are faith, hope, love and spiritual strength which they carry with them wherever they go and which sustain them.

O Allah, an increasing number of people in North America and in Europe are accepting Islam as they become fed up with the cynical manipulation of people by those drunk with power; with the glaring inequalities and contempt for the poor; with the rat-race and the worship of the dollar; with the openness with which sodomy, male prostitution and female sexploitation is practiced; with the promotion of sex and violence in the media; with alcoholism, drug pushing and money-laundering; and with the hypocrisy, corruption, and immorality. Many have realized that it is unfair and unjust that their corrupt, dogmatic and fanatically extremist media should bombard their people every day with lies and hatred against Muslims and the religion of Islam. Protect us, O Allah.

O Allah, open the hearts of more of them and all of them to the purity and simplicity; truth and beauty; unity, equality and fraternity; generosity and charity; faithfulness, chastity and nobility; humility with dignity; as well as the faith, hope and love; and many other valued treasures that Islam offers so that they may also begin to aspire to higher spiritual values and accept Islam. Aameen.

O Allah, our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Your peace and blessings be upon him, converted polytheists as well as Jews and Christians to Islam. O Allah, in this day and age, Jews are also accepting Islam when they become ashamed of the death and destruction which their fellow-Jews are inflicting on the Palestinians in the name of God and religion.

O Allah, open the hearts of all the Jews to Islam so that the Israeli massacre of Palestinians is stopped once and for all. Aameen.

O Allah, open the hearts of non-Muslims in western countries to Islam so that they come firmly on the side of justice and truth, and against massacre, slaughter and destruction. Aameen.

O Allah, open the hearts of the arms manufacturers, the military elite, and the “born-again Christian” political elite in western countries to Islam so that they give up on their blood-thirsty invasions and destabilization of Muslim countries, and their hands are washed clean of the blood of Muslims.

O Allah, remove the difficulties, calamities and oppression against Muslims wherever they are and protect and bestow lasting peace upon us. Aameen.

When the enemies of Islam saw that Islam is the fastest growing religion, they incited and fuelled civil war among Muslims to try to reduce the Muslim population. O Allah, destroy their machinations to divide the Muslims and guide them to accept Islam so that peace is achieved. O Allah, give understanding and wisdom to the political elite in all Muslim countries so that all of them follow the teachings of the Holy Qur’an to take Muslims as allies, and none of them take non-Muslims as allies against Muslims. O Allah, give understanding and wisdom to the minority, grave-destroying deviant sectarians so that they do not fall in the trap set up by the enemies of Islam to weaken the Muslims from within. O Allah, reconcile the hearts of Muslims, and heal the wounds of Muslims, Aameen.

O Allah, the khilafat (rule) of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is over the hearts of all the Muslims, and will continue till the Day of Judgement, as ordained by You, O Allah.

O Allah, open the hearts of non-Muslims in Africa, Asia, Australia, South America and the rest of the world to Islam so that they achieve everlasting peace, bliss and salvation. Aameen.

O Allah, give all the non-Muslims the true tenets of belief in Islam. Aameen.
And may the peace and blessings of Allah shower forever and ever more on His beloved Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. Aameen.


Ramadan 1421 A.H / December 2000.
Toronto, Canada.
Updated: 1436 A.H / 2015

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