Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Iqra Islamic Publications
Welcome to Islam
Accept Islam for your salvation
Live according to Islam for your spiritual progress

Wa Khairul Hadyi Hadyu Muhammad Alayhissalam
And the best advice is the advice of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Hadyu Muhammad

The Blessed Hadith Shareef of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

A selection (in translation) of some of his sayings by:
Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad

The Sunnah is the Second Source of Law

Niyyah: Intention

The Pillars of Islam and The Pillars of Muslim Faith


Iman: Muslim Faith and Convictions

Allah (The Glorified and the Exalted)

The Revelation of the Qur'an (wahy)

The Holy Qur'an

The Prophets (peace be upon them)

Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him)

Beautiful Qualities of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him)

Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings are peace be upon him)

The Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad

The Prayers of Prophet Muhammad Were Answered

Salutations on Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him)

The Sunnah: The Practice and Lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad

Khulafa Ar-Rashideen: The Rightly guided Khalifas of Prophet Muhammad

The Family and Companions of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad

Attributes of Believing Muslims

Tahara: Ritual Purity in Islam

Salah: Muslim Prayers

Zakah & Sadaqa: Charity in Islam

Fasting in Islam

Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage

The Birth of Muslim

Education in Islam

The Clothing of a Muslim

Well Known Days of Muslims

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil in Islam

'Amal Saleh: Good Deeds in Islam

Good Habits and Character of a Muslim

Dhikr: Remembrance of Allah

Sujud: Prostrations of Worship in Islam

Faith Healing in Islam

Du'a: Supplication of a Muslim to Allah

Repentance and Forgiveness in Islam

Economical and Financial Matters in Islam

Honesty and Hard Work in Islam

Rights and Obligations of Workers and Employers in Islam

The Marriage of a Muslim

The Parents, Children and Relatives of a Muslim

The Neighbours of a Muslim

Love, Care and Concern for Muslims

National Affairs of Muslims

International Affairs of Muslims


Islamic Justice

Muslim Civil Law

Muslim Criminal Law

Zuhd: Abstinence in Islam

Juhd: Exertion in Islam for Spiritual Excellence

Jihad: Battle Against non-believers

The Jihad of Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

Peace in Islam

Death and Burial of a Muslim

Barzakh: The realm from death to resurrection

The Day of Judgement

Heaven and Hell

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