Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
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Chapter Three

Jaaliya tu'l Akdaar wa's Sayf u'l Battar

Of: Mawlana Diya ud-Deen Khalid al-Baghdadi
QaddasAllahu Sirrahu'l'Azeez

An Appreciation by Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad

Salawaat 'Ala'r-Rasul Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam

According to Mawlana Diya ud-Deen Khalid al-Baghdadi, the letters kaaf, haa, yaa, 'ain, saad in the first verse of Surah Maryam refer to the sifaat (attributes) of Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta'ala or of Sayyidina Muhammad-e-'Arabi, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam as captured in one of the salawaat in the kitab as follows:

Wa bi Fadlillaahumma Salli wa Sallim Wa Baarik
'Alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-i
Nilladhee huwa Saahibu’l Burhaani
Wa’s sababu fee wujudi kulli insaanin
Kaafu karami’l kifaayati
Haa-u’l Uluhiyyati wa’r-Ri'aayati
Wa yaa u’l yaqazati wa’l hidaayati
'Ainul 'ismati wa’l 'inaayati
Wa saadus siraati’l manshuri
Siraatillaahilladhee lahu maa fissamaawaati wa maa fi'l ardi
'Alaa Ilallaahi taseeru'l umur

Salaatan tusbilu
Allahumma (Yaa 'Azeezu Yaa Jabbaaru Yaa Mutakabbiru Yaa Khaaliqu) [3]
Bihaa 'alayya’s sitra’l jameela
Wa atawassalu ilayka bihaqqi 'abdika
Al-Arqam ibni Abi’l Arqam
Maula Rasulillahi Sallallahu Ta'ala 'alaihi wa Sallam
As'ad ibni Yazeed, Anas ibni Mu'aadh, Unays ibni Qatadah,
Anas-ata maula Rasulillahi Sallallahu Ta'ala 'alaihi wa Sallam
Aws ibni Thabit, Aws ibni Khawliyy, Iyaas ibni Aws, Iyaas ibni’l Bukayr
Rady Allahu Ta'ala 'Anhum.

And with the Grace of Allah's blessings, peace and favours
on Sayyidina Muhammad who is a personality with a clear proof,
and the cause of the existence of all humans.
The letter kaaf stands for the Prophet's unbounded generosity,
the letter haa is for Allah's Divine Power and Loving Care,
the letter yaa denotes the Prophet's wakefulness and guidance,
the letter 'ain stands for his sinlessness and loving care,
and the letter saad denotes a wide-open straight path;
"The path of Allah to Whom belongs
whatever is in the heavens and the earth.
Behold (how) all affairs return to Allah
" (42:53).
A salaat (on the Holy Prophet) that pours like mercy:
For the sake of this salaat,
O Allah (O The Mighty, O The Compeller,
O The One Supreme in Greatness, O The Creator) [recited 3 times]
hide my shame with a beautiful covering,
and I beg of You in the name of Your servant
al-Arqam ibni Abi'l Arqam, the slave emancipated by Rasulullah,
blessings and peace of Allah the Exalted be upon him;
As'ad ibni Yazeed, Anas ibni Mu'aadh, Unays ibni Qatadah,
Anas, the slave emancipated by Rasulullah, Sallallahu Ta'ala 'alaihi wa Sallam;
Aws ibni Thaabit, Aws ibni Khawliyy, Iyaas ibni Aws and Iyaas ibni'l Bukayr,
may Allah the Exalted be pleased with them all.

We notice that the salawaat in Jaaliya tu'l Akdaar have a standard, yet very rich format. Each salaat is followed by:

  1. Asma u’n Nabi and praise of the noble Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam coupled with a verse from the Holy Qur'an in his honour
  2. A description of the salaat (In this instance; Salaatan tusbilu: An invocation of blessing that pours like mercy)
  3. Asma u’l Husna, in the order in which they are universally known
  4. Du'a (invocation)
  5. Asma Ahl Badr, in alphabetical order

We also notice that each salaat (blessing) in this kitab is simultaneously a du'a which uses three different types of wasila (means of approach to Allah); first, Asma u’l Husna; second, the salaat on the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam; and third, Asma Ahl Badr, Rady Allahu 'Anhum.

The salaat that preceded the one quoted earlier contains the names of two more companions whose names begin with the letter "alif". These are: Ubayy ibn Ka'b Rady Allahu 'Anhu and al-Akhnas ibn Kubayb, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.

The salaat that follows the one quoted earlier, contains the names of the sahaba (companions) whose names begin with the letter "baa".

The next salaat has the names of the sahaba whose names begin with the letter "taa". In this way Asma Ahl Badr are presented alphabetically in the salawaat.


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