Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Iqra Islamic Publications
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Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam


  1. Aws bin Aws ath-Thaqafī, also known as Aws bin Hudhayfa
  2. Asmā’ bin Hāritha al-Aslamī
  3. al-Agharr al-Muzanī
  4. Bilāl bin Rabāh
  5. al-Barā’ bin Mālik al-Ansārī
  6. Thawbān mawlā Rasūlillāh
  7. Thābit bin ad-Dahhāk al-Ansārī, Abū Zayd al-Ash-halī
  8. Thābit bin Wadīa al-Ansārī
  9. Thaqīf bin Amr
  10. Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī, Jundub bin Junāda
  11. Jarhad bin Khuwaylid al-Aslamī
  12. Juayl bin Surāqa ad-Damrī
  13. Jāriya bin Humayl
  14. Hudhayfa bin al-Yamān
  15. Hudhayfa bin Asīd
  16. Habīb bin Zayd bin Āsim al-Ansārī
  17. Hāritha bin an-Numān al-Ansārī
  18. Hāzim bin Harmala al-Aslamī
  19. Hanzala bin Abī Āmir ar-Rāhib al-Ansārī
  20. Hajjāj bin Amr al-Aslamī
  21. al-Hakam bin Umayr
  22. Harmala bin Iyās
  23. Khabbāb bin al-Aratt
  24. Khunays bin Hudhāfa as-Sahmī
  25. Abū Ayyūb al-Ansārī, Khālid bin Zayd
  26. Khuraym bin Fātik al-Asadī
  27. Khuraym bin Aws at-Tāī
  28. Khubayb bin Yasāf bin Utba
  29. Dukayn bin Saīd al-Muzanī
  30. Dhu’l Bujādayn, AbdAllāh
  31. Abū Lubāba, Bashīr bin Abd   al-Mundhir al-Ansārī
  32. Abū Razīn
  33. Zayd bin al-Khattāb
  34. Salmān al-Fārisī, Abū Abdullāh
  35. Sad bin Abī Waqqās
  36. Saīd bin Āmir al-Jamhī
  37. Safīna, Abū Abdu’rRahmān mawlā Rasūlillāh
  38. Abū Saīd al-Khudrī, Sad bin Mālik
  39. Sālim mawlā Abī Hudhayfa
  40. Sālim bin Ubayd al-Ashjaī
  41. Sālim bin Umayr
  42. As-Sāib bin Khallād
  43. Shaqrān mawlā Rasūlillāh
  44. Shaddād bin Asīd
  45. Suhayb bin Sinān
  46. Safwān bin Baydā’
  47. Takhfa bin Qays al-Ghifārī
  48. Talha bin Amr al-Bas
  49. at-Tafāwī ad-Dawsī, Abū Nadra
  50. AbdAllāh bin Masūd
  51. Abū Hurayra, Abdu’rRahmān bin Sakhr ad-Dawsī
  52. ‘AbdAllāh bin Abd al-Asad, Abū Salamah al-Makhzūmī
  53. AbdAllāh bin Hawāla al-Azdī
  54. AbdAllāh bin Umm Maktūm
  55. AbdAllāh bin Amr bin Hirām, Abū Jābir al-Ansārī
  56. AbdAllāh bin Unays al-Juhanī
  57. AbdAllāh bin Zayd al-Juhanī
  58. AbdAllāh bin al-Hārith bin Juz iz-Zabīdī
  59. AbdAllāh bin Umar bin al-Khattāb
  60. Abd al-Rahmān bin Qirt
  61. Abd al-Rahmān bin Jabr bin Amr, Abū Ubays al-Ansārī
  62. Uqbah bin Āmir al-Juhanī
  63. Abbād bin Khālid al-Ghifārī
  64. Amr bin Awf al-Muzanī
  65. Amr bin Taghlab
  66. Uwaym bin Sāida al-Ansārī
  67. Ubayd mawlā Rasūlillāh
  68. Ukāsha bin Mihsan al-Asadī
  69. al-Arbād bin Sāriya
  70. AbdAllāh bin Habshī al-Khashamī
  71. Utbah bin AbdAllāh as-Sulamī
  72. Utbah bin an-Nadr as-Sulamī
  73. Amr bin Anbasah as-Sulamī
  74. Ubādah bin Qars, also referred to as Ubādah bin Qart
  75. Iyād bin Himār al-Mujāshaī
  76. Fudālah bin Ubayd al-Ansārī
  77. Farāt bin Hayyān al-Ajlī
  78. Abū Firās al-Aslamī
  79. Qurrah bin Iyās Abū Muāwiyah al-Muzanī
  80. Kannāz bin al-Husayn Abū Marthad al-Ghanawī
  81. Kab bin Amr, Abu’l Yasar al-Ansārī
  82. Abū Kabshah mawlā Rasūlillāh
  83. Mistah bin Uthāthah
  84. Masūd bin ar-Rabī al-Qāri’
  85. Muādh Abū Halīma al-Qāri’
  86. Wāthilah bin al-Asqa
  87. Wābisah bin Mabad al-Juhanī
  88. Hilāl mawlā al-Mughīrah bin Shibah
  89. Yasār Abū Fakīhah mawlā Safwān bin Umayyah

Rady Allāhu Anhum Ajmaīn, may Allāh be pleased with them all, Āmīn.


Al-Hāfiz Abū Nuaym Ahmad bin AbdAllāh al-Asfahānī, Hilyatu’l Awliyā’ wa Tabaqāt u’l Asfiyā’ (The Adornment of the Saints and the Ranks of the Spiritual Elite), Dār u’l Fikr and Dār u’l Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, 1357 A.H, vol I, p. 347-385, Vol II, p. 3-25.

The Ashāb us-Suffa

These are the Companions of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam who, as they were poor, lived in a verandah in the Prophet’s Masjid in Madīna. The raised platform in Masjid an-Nabawī indicates where they lived. They were very pious, ascetic, dignified, highly scrupulous, drowned in the love of Allāh Subhānahū wa Taālā, prepared to lay down their lives for the sake of Islām, and deeply attached to the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam.

Hadīth on the Ashāb us-Suffa

Hadrat Abū Uthmān narrated that Hadrat Abdu’r Rahmān bin Abū Bakr Rady Allāhu Anhu said, “The Suffa Companions were poor people and Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam said, ‘Whoever has food for two persons should take a third one from them (Suffa Companions). And whosoever has food for four persons, he should take one or two from them’. Sayyidinā Abū Bakr Rady Allāhu Anhu took three men and Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam took ten of them”. (Bukhārī)

The Ashāb us-Suffa Were Served by Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam

Hadrat Abu Huraira (Rady Allahu 'Anh) relates: "By Allah, except whom there is no God, during the days of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) I used to press my stomach against the ground due to extreme hunger, or I used to tie a stone over it. One day I was sitting by the side of a public thoroughfare when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) passed by me. On seeing me he smiled and recognized from my face my condition (that I was hungry). He called "Abahir" (meaning Abu Huraira) and I responded: 'I am here, O Messenger of Allah'. He said: 'Come along with me' and he walked on; I followed him.

On reaching home he sought permission of the inmates, and entered, and also permitted me to enter in the house. He found a cup full of milk, and asked the inmates 'From where has this milk come? They said: 'It is a present for you from some gentleman or lady.' He called me 'Abahir' and I responded: 'I am here, O Messenger of Allah'. He said: Go and call my Suffa Companions.' These companions were the guests of the Muslims, who had no house, no property, no friends or relatives with whom they could live. As such they were guests of all Muslims. Whenever the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) received something as charity he used to send it to them and would not retain anything out if it for himself (as charity was forbidden for him and his family). However, whenever he received something as a gift he would send for them and shared it with them.

But on this occasion I did not like his invitation to them, and thought: 'How would this milk suffice so many? I deserve this more than others, as by drinking it I might gain some energy. When these companions of the Suffa would come, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) will ask me to serve the milk to them. When they start drinking I do not think that anything would be left for me out of this milk. But what could I have done, I could not dare avoid the orders of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and His Messenger (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam).

Accordingly I went out and called them; they came and solicited permission to come in, which was granted and they came in and took their seats. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) called me 'Abahir' and I replied: 'I am here, O Messenger of Allah.' He said: 'Take hold of the cup of milk and give it to them.' I took the cup and passed it to one man who would drink and when he felt satisfied, he would return it to me, and I would give it to the next person who likewise drank the milk to his fill. I went on doing this till the cup reached the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam). By that time all had drunk the milk to their satisfaction.

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) took the cup in his hand, looked towards me, smiled and said: 'Abahir?' I said 'I am here, O Messenger of Allah.' He said, "Now only two persons, myself and you are left!" I said: "Of course, O Messenger of Allah, you are right." Then he said: "Sit and drink." I sat down and started drinking the milk. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) said: "Take more." I took a bit more and he continued saying; 'Drink a little more', till I said: By Allah! Who has commissioned you with the truth , now I have no more room in my stomach.' He said: 'Then let me have it.' So I passed on the cup to him. He thanked Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and with the name of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) drank the milk which was left in the cup. (al-Bukhari)

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