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Rātib al-Haddād
I am interested to get more information or articles regarding Rātib al-Haddād.
I have been practicing dhikr for more than three years to which I was introduced 20 years ago and given ijaza by my late adopted father in Penang, Malaysia.
Maybe I could get more writing on the fadhilat of the Rātib.
Thank you and salaam.
Dr. Mohamed.
Assalamu ‘alaykum Dr. Mohamed,
We are very happy to know that you recite the Rātib al-Haddād everyday, Alhamdu Lillāh.
Perhaps you have already gone through the translation of the Rātib at http://www.iqra.net/articles/Rātib_trans.php as well as the article explaining its contents at http://www.iqra.net/articles/dhikr/Rātib.php. At the end of these, you will find more references. The Al-Hawi web-site http://www.alhawi.net/ has some information in Malaysian which you might enjoy.
Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi of Madīna has given an appreciation and translation of the Rātib in the book titled The Prophetic Invocations, published by the Starlatch Press in U.S.A (info@starlatch.com). Another appreciation has been published by Sayyid Abdulkader al-Haddād. His email address is abdulkader_alhadad@yahoo.com.
The original appreciation in Arabic by al-Habīb ‘Alawi bin Ahmad bin al-Hasan al-Haddad, the great grandson of Imam al-Haddad Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu has been published by Pustaka Nasional, P.O BOX 2205, Singapore, can be obtained from Wardah Books, books@wardahbooks.com.
Rātib al-Haddād has many blessings and merits (fadāil). It consists of the supplications and invocations of Prophet Muhammad SallAllāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. So, when we recite it, we are following his Sunnah (tradition). It contains verses of the Qur’ān and for every letter of the Qur’ān we recite, we get ten thawab (rewards). It has all the basic teachings about Islam and Muslim beliefs (aqīda), so when we recite it, we are strengthening our faith (imān).
It contains du’ā (supplication) through which Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta’ālā averts calamities. It contains Dhikr (Remembrance) of Allāh, so when we recite it, we are following the Qur’ānic command to do Dhikr in abundance. It contains salawāt or invocation of blessings on Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, about which we have been commanded both in the Qur’ān and the Hadīth. All these are good deeds which keep us away from sin and lead us and our children to righteousness and piety. Rātib al-Haddād draws non-Muslims to Islam.
With salāms and du'ā,