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Rady Allahu Anhu

1. Wird-ul-Latif

To be recited either after Fajr Salah or at night. It is one of the most sublime forms of Zikr, has a soothing effect on the heart and is very auspicious to start the day off as it has the appropriate Dua for just that:

Allahumma Inni As'aluka Khayra Haadhal Yaum
Fat'hahu wa Nasrahu wa Nurahu wa Barakatahu wa Hudaah.
Allahumma Inni As'aluka Khayra Haadhal Yaum wa Khayra Maa Feeh
Wa A'udhu Bika Min Sharri Haadhal Yaum wa Sharri Maa Feeh.

O Allah, I beg You to make this day good and wholesome for me; successful, beneficial, full of spiritual light, blessings and guidance. O Allah, I beg You to make this day good and wholesome for me, and give me the good that is in it, and save me from its evil and the evil that is in it.

Wird ul-Latif starts with the recitation of surahs Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Naas three times each, followed by other verses of the Qur'an Kareem and Dua, each to be recited a specified number of times. An invocation in it that is universally popular is:

Radheetu Billahi Rabban Wa Bil Islami Deenan Wa bi Muhammad-in
Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallama Nabiyyan wa Rasula.

I am glad and happy that Allah is my Lord, Islam is my religion and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is my Prophet and Rasul.(This is to be recited 3 times)

Salawaat (Durood) is to be recited 10 times and so on. Wird ul-Latif takes at most 15 minutes to recite. Then, if one has the time, he can recite the following Tasbeehaat 100 times each:

Sub'haan-Allahi wa bi Hamdihi

Glory be to Allah as He Himself Glorifies and Praises Himself.

Sub'haan-Allah-il 'Azeem wa bi Hamdihi

Glory be to Allah, the Incomparably Great, as He Himself Glorifies and Praises Himself.

Sub'haan-Allah wal Hamdu Lillah Wa Laa Ilaha Illallahu Wallaahu Akbar

Glory be to Allah and all praise is for Allah and there is no one worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is Great.

If you are reciting Wird ul-Latif in the morning, you can add one more Tasbih.

Laa Ilaha Illallahu Wahdahu Laa Sharika lahu
Lahul Mulku wa Lahul Hamdu Wa Huwa 'Alaa Kulli Shay'in Qadeer.

There is no one worthy of worship but Allah. He is One, He has no Partner, His is the Kingdom and His is the Praise and He has power over all things.

2. The second major wird is:

Wird ul-Kabir al-Mubarak
(The Great, Comprehensive and Blessed Devotional Recitation).

It has also been named Miftah-us-Sa'adah wal-Falah (The Key to Goodness and Success) and what a blessed key it is. It is the longest Wird of Mawlana al-Haddad by far, and takes at least 90 minutes to recite. According to Mawlana al-Haddad, Rady Allahu Anhu, it is admirably perfect (Kamaal) if one is able to recite this Wird once in the morning (at the time of Fajr) and once at night.

It would indeed be a special favour and blessing from Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala if the Muhibbeen (loving disciples) were to act on this encouragement and actually realise this remarkable feat, even if once in their lifetime. Wird ul-Kabir is truly a milestone in that besides the Kalimaat, and Tasbeehaat, it has verses of the Holy Qur'an Kareem related to particular topics, for example, on self sufficiency (Ayaatul Kifayah) and protection (Ayaatul Hifdh), it has interwoven with it the Tafsir (explanation) of Surah al-Fateha, it has Dua for particular occasions, and it has what are called the Musabba-atul Mash-hurah (famous Surahs and Dua each recited seven times). Among these are Surahs al-Fateha, an-Naas, al-Falaq, Ikhlas, and al-Kafirun; and Ayatul Kursi.

The Ayaatul Hifdh in Wird ul-Kabir are:

Wa Laa Ya-uduhu Hifdhuhuma wa Huwal 'Aliyy-ul Adheem

And He is never weary of preserving them, and He is the Most High, the Supreme. (2: 255)

Fallahu Khayrun Haafidhan wa Huwa Arham-ur-Raahimeen

And then Allah is the best Guardian, and He is the most Merciful of those who show mercy. (12:64)

Lahu Mu'aqqibaatun Min Bayni Yadayhi Wa Min Khalfihi Yahfadhunahu Min Amrillah.

For his sake, there are angels ranged before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah's command. (13:11)

Innaa Nahnu Nazzalnaz-Zikra wa Innaa Lahu Lahaafidhun

Truly, We have sent down the Reminder and most surely, We are its Guardian. (15:9)

Wa Hafidhnaahaa Min Kulli Shaytaan-ir-Rajeem

And We have guarded it from every outcast devil. (15:17)

Wa Hifdhan-min Kulli Shaytaan-in Maarid

And for security against every rebellious devil. (37:7)

Wa Hifdhan Dhalika Taqdeer-ul 'Aziz-il 'Aleem

And for protecion, that is the Decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. (41:12)

In Kullu Nafsin Lammaa 'Alayhaa Haafidh

There is not a soul but over it is a guardian. (86:4)

Inn Batsha Rabbika Lashadeed
Innahu Huwa Yubdiu wa Yu'eed
Wa Huwal Ghafurul Wadood
Dhul 'Arshil Majid
Fa'allun Lima Yureed
Hal Ataaka Hadith-ul Junood
Fir'auna wa Thamood
Balilladheena Kafaru Fee Takdheeb
Wallahu Min Waraaihim Muhit
Bal Huwa Qur'an-un Majid Fee Lawhim Mahfudh

Truly, the punishment of Your Lord is stern.
Truly, He is the One who originates, then reproduces.
And He is the Forgiving, the Loving;
Lord of the Throne of Glory;
Doer of all that He intends.
Has there come to you the story of the forces Of Pharaoh and (the tribe) of Thamud?
Nay, but those who disbelieve live in denial
And Allah encompasses them on every side.
Nay, but this is a Glorious Qur'an In a guarded tablet.

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