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Rady Allahu Anhu
3. Ratib-ush-Shahir, also known as Ratib ul-Haddad.
This, along with Wird ul-Latif is the most popular Zikr which
is recited all over the world. Like Wird ul-Latif, it takes about 15 minutes
to recite. Ratib ul-Haddad is recited after Maghrib or Isha Salah
while Wird ul-Latif is usually recited after Fajr Salah. Mawlana
al-Haddad Rady Allahu Anhu is famous in this world as well as in the Aalam-e-Arwah
(the world of souls) for his Ratib, Wird ul-Latif, Wird ul-Kabir
and other Azkaar and Awraad so much so that Shaykh Uways bin Muhammad
al-Qadiri Rahmatullahi alaih in his Tawassul (Fervent Plea to Allah)
has called him Saahib-ur-Rawatib (The possessor of the Ratibs).
The relevant verses in the Tawassul as given on page 97 of Jawhar-un-Nafees,
compiled by Shaykh Abdulrahman bin Umar al-Qadiri are:
Bi Ad'ham-i ma' Uways al-Qarni
Wa Saahib-ir-Rawaatib-il-Haddad-i.
Wa bish-Shareef-i Abdallah il-Haddad-i
Huwa Waliyyu Qayyim-ul Karama.
For the sake of Shaykh Ad'ham
with Shaykh Uways al-Qarni,
and Mawlana al-Haddad, Possessor of the Ratibs. (verse 47)
And for the sake of the noble Sayyid Abdallah al-Haddad
A saint with proven miracles. (verse 65)
Of all the Awliya (saints) he mentions in the Tawassul, Shaykh
Uways bin Muhammad Rahmatullahi Alaih keeps Mawlana al-Haddad in the company
of Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Ad'ham and Shaykh Uways al-Qarni, Rady Allahu Anhum.
Isn't that special? Ratib ul-Haddad has been explained in greater detail
in a separate article.
4. Hizb ul-Fat'h and Hizb un-Nasr
These are Spiritually laden supplications to seek Allah's Help to achieve success
here and in the Hereafter. Mawlana al-Haddad, Rady Allahu Anhu used to
recite these after Fajr Salah. A Hizb is a special specific type
of Zikr. Hizb ul-Fat'h, for example, contains verses of the Holy
Qur'an Kareem on Fat'h (victory) and related dua, while Hizb
un-Nasr contains verses on Nasr (Help of Allah) and related dua.
5. Special Duas
These are supplications after reciting Surah al-Fateha, Surah YaaSeen
and Ayatul Kursi. These are other specific duas, for example, Dua
ul-Imdad (Supplication For Help of Allah), Dua ul-Lutf (Seeking the
Benevolence of Allah), Dua ul-Hifz (Imploring Allah for His Protection),
and Dua Fil Istisqaa (To pray for rain). What is most pleasing about these
supplications as indeed about all such supplications of Mawlana al-Haddad is the
way he overflows with Asma ul-Husna, the Most Beautiful Names of Allah
Ta'ala. For example, the following Asma ul-Husna are invoked in these respective
Asma ul-Husna in The Dua Following The Recitation of Ayatul Kursi
Yaa Allahu: O Allah
Yaa Hayyu: O The Living
Yaa Qayyumu: O The Self Subsisting
Yaa Maliku: O The King of Kings
Yaa Quddusu: O The Most Holy One
Yaa Latifu: O The Most Kind
Yaa Qaahiru: O The Dominant
Yaa 'Alimu: O The Omnicient
Yaa Muhitu: O The All-Encompassing
Yaa Waasi'u: O The One With Limitless Capacity
Yaa Hafizu: O The Preserver
Yaa 'Aliyyu: O The Exalted
Yaa 'Azimu: O The Magnificent
Asma ul-Husna in Dua ul-Imdad
Yaa Rab: O The Sustainer
Yaa Qadeeru: O The Powerful
Yaa Qawiyyu: O The Perfectly Strong
Yaa Mateenu: O The Firm One
Asma ul-Husna in Dua ul-Lutf
Yaa Allahu: O Allah
Yaa Latifu: O The Most Kind
Yaa Raaziqu: O The Provider of all Sustenance
Yaa Qawiyyu: O The Perfectly Strong
Yaa 'Azizu: O The Mighty
Asma ul-Husna in Dua ul-Hifz
Yaa Allahu: O Allah
Yaa Latifu: O The Most Kind
Yaa Kaafi: O The Sufficient
Yaa Hafeezu: O The Preserver
Yaa Mu'eenu: O The Author of Safety and Security
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