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Rady Allahu Anhu

6. Zikr after the five times daily salah

The most popular of which is:

Ash'hadu an Laa Ilaaha Illallahu Wahdahu Laa Sharika Lahu
Ilaahan Waahidan Wa Rabban Shaahidan Wa Nahnu Lahu Muslimun.

I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship but Allah. He is One, He has no partner. He is the One and Only God, and The Lord Who Witnesses and we are among the Muslims

(This is recited four times as part of dua after every Salah).

7. Salawaat alar-Rasul

Invocation of blessings on the beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam. There are seven of these, the first six to be recited eleven times each and the seventh, 33 times for a total of 99, which is as many times as are Asma-ul-Husna.

8. The Wird of Surah al-Fateha

This was the practice of Imam Ghazali Rady Allahu Anhu: to recite Surah al-Fateha 21 times after Fajr Salah, 22 times after Zuhr, 23 times after Asr, 24 times after Maghrib and 10 times after Isha, for a total of 100 times. After each such recitation, you pray a special dua three times.

9. Other Awraad and Azkaar of Mawlana al-Haddad Rady Allahu Anhu

These have been recommended at specific times of which the most basic and perhaps the easiest to practice is the daily recitation of at least one tasbeeh each (100 times) of Laa Ilaha Illallah, Astagfirullah (I beg Allah's forgiveness), and Salawaat (Durood) on the beloved Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam.

This has been explained in great detail by Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi in Chapter 13 of his biography of Mawlana al-Haddad. The chapter is titled "Tarteeb Awqaatihi wa 'Ibaadaatihi" (The way he worshipped at specific times). Mawlana al-Haddad Rady Allahu Anhu has himself explained the purpose of these invocations in his classic masterpiece Risalatul Mu'awanah (The Book Of Assistance) as follows:

"Be careful to keep to the textually transmitted invocations and prayers which follow the ritual prayers, and morning and evening, before going to sleep and on waking, and at all other specified times and recurrent occasions.The Messenger of God, may blessings and peace be upon him, made them Sunnah only so that his nation would find in them the means for obtaining the goodness and escaping the evil which occur at these times and occasions". (Translation by Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi, p.29).

And he refers us to the highly acclaimed Kitab of Imam an-Nawawi titled Azkaar (Supplications) if we wish to follow the Sunnah of the Blessed Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam in this regard.

10. Munajaat

Waseelatul 'Ibaad ends with two of the most famous Qasaaid of Mawlana al-Haddad Rady Allahu Anhu which are in the form of Munajaat (Invoking Allah). The opening verses of these two qasaaid are:

Yaa Rabbi Yaa 'Aalimal Haal
Ilayka Wajjahtul Aamaal
Famnun 'Alayna bil Iqbaal
Wa Kun Lanaa Waslihil Baal

O Lord, O The Knower of Conditions
I Direct All Deeds To You
Accept Them From Us
And Clean The Hearts of Us All.

and ...

Qad Kafaani 'Ilmu Rabbi
Min Su'aali Wakhtiyaari

It Suffices Me That Allah Knows
Of My Questions And Choices.

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The Azkaar and Awraad of Mawlana Al-Haddad Con't
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