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Rady Allahu Anhu
The fulfilment of Faraidh (obligatory duties) like the five times daily
Salah (prayers) is first and foremost. Next in importance is the daily
recitation of the Holy Qur'an Kareem and in this connection, Mawlana al-Haddad
has recommended in his Kitab Risalatul Mu'awanah (The Book of Assistance)
that the least a Muslim should do is to have a Wird of reciting one Juz
every day (complete the Qur'an in a month) and the most is to recite 10 Juz
everyday (complete the Qur'an in 3 days).
As he does this continuously, in time he comes to recite more and more Azkaar
and Awraad from a Kitab like Waseelatul Ibaad Ilaa Zaadil Ma'aad.
In this way, he takes both the Qur'an and the Sunnah to his heart. Alhamdu-lillah,
millions of Muslims have done just that over the ages and in fact, the demand
for these Awraad and Azkaar keeps on increasing: Waseelatul Ibaad
was printed for the tenth time in 1397/1977 and it has been printed and reprinted
in Mombasa, Delhi, Singapore, Istanbul and Cairo, among other places.
The Fuyudh (spiritual benefits) of reciting these Azkaar are well
recognized by the Shaykhs, and such is their esteem that many spiritual luminaries
have written whole books of explanation (called Sharh in Arabic) on these
Azkaar. Shaykh Abdallah bin Ahmad BaSudan has written a Sharh on
Wird ul-Latif, Wird ul-Kabir and Ratib ush-Shahir while others
who have written a Sharh are al-Allama as-Sayyid Fadhl bin 'Alawi Jamalullayl
al-'Alawi, and al-Allamah AbiBakr bin Abd-ir-Rahman bin Shihabuddin al-'Alawi
(on Wird ul-Latif); and al-Habib 'Alawi bin Ahmad bin Hasan bin Abdallah
al-Haddad (on Ratib ush-Shahir). In Miftah-ul Jannah (The Key
To Paradise), Sayyidi wa Murshidi, al-Habib Ahmad Mash-hur bin Taha al-Haddad,
Rady Allahu Anhu (1325-1416 A.H), the spiritual inheritor of Mawlana al-Haddad
expounds on the spiritual benefits of Zikr and offers the following Nasiha
"If you wish to obtain all of these benefits and attain to the highest ranks,
then you should search for a litany (wird) that includes all these kinds
of invocations and prayers. You are sure to find them in the litanies of our master
Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad, such as al-Wird al-Latif, al-Wird al-Kabir,
al-Ratib, the Hizb al-Fat'h, and his Hizb al-Nasr." (Translation by Dr. Mostafa
al-Badawi, p.113).
Surely, Allah Ta'ala Himself has blessed the Azkaar and Awraad
of Mawlana al-Haddad Rady Allahu Anhu. Its Nur (spiritual light)
has spread across the world, illuminating homes, hearts and the foreheads of the
Muttaqeen (the pious), the 'Aabideen (worshippers) and the Zaakireen
(those who do Zikr). Allahummaj 'Alna Minhum: O Allah make us among
them, Aameen, Yaa Rabbal Aalameen.
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